Conference Dates
August 20-25, 2017
Biochar use as soil amendment can influence both physical and chemical properties of soil. The effects of biochar depend on the raw material from which biochar is derived as well as on the used processing technology and process conditions. One commonly highlighted benefit of biochar application is improved water retention properties of soil. Biochar may affect water retention in direct or direct way. In direct mechanism water is stored and held in the biochar pores while in indirect mechanisms biochar contributes to the soil structural development (aggregation).
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Recommended Citation
Jari Hyväluoma, Jaakko Heikkinen, Sampo Kulju, Markus Hannula, Hanne Wikberg, Anssi Källi, and Kimmo Rasa, "Characterization of biochar pore structure with X-ray tomography" in "Biochar: Production, Characterization and Applications", Franco Berruti, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada Raffaella Ocone, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Ondrej Masek, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2017).