"The Importance of Laboratory Experiments in Landslide Investigation" by Barbara Schneider-Muntau, D. Renk et al.

Conference Dates

June 18-21, 2006


This study focuses on a better understanding of mass movements and on the influences of different boundary conditions on velocities of creeping slopes. A well monitored example of a slowly creeping landslide is the mass movement Hochmais - Atemkopf, situated in the Kaunertal, Tyrol, Austria (Fig. 1). The long term monitoring program for more than 40 years of this landslide gives a good impression of its time dependent behaviour. A large amount of additional data, as geological mapping, boreholes, geophysical investigation and so on provides a funded base for the model’s geometry. The most influencing factor for finite element calculations is besides the model’s geometry the rheological model and the therefor adapted material properties. Creep laboratory experiments have been performed and evaluated for the most active sliding zone. Long term shear tests from 1964 have been reevaluated and compared with current long term triaxial tests. The experiments reveal a non linear dependence between equivalent stress and displacement rate. An elasto, visco - plastic rheological model with a non-linear viscose deformation has been fitted to those results.

Schneider_Muntau_Lillehammer.pdf (1073 kB)
