"Earthquake-induced Landslides in Colombia" by Carlos Eduardo Rodriguez

Conference Dates

June 18-21, 2006


Landslides due to earthquakes in Colombia have been historically reported since 1530 when ground cracking, soil movements and liquefaction events were induced by an earthquake which magnitude has not been defined. Since then more than thirty earthquakes have been identified to have produced landslides in the country, in some cases consequences related to landslides have been more significant than those due to direct effects of the earthquake itself.

The author has compiled a database of landslides induced by earthquakes in Colombia from which relationships between earthquake magnitude and landslide characteristics have been explored. It has been found that residual and volcanic soils are very susceptible to landslides by seismic. Some cases show to have induced liquefaction on alluvial deposits of the main rivers and sea shores. Failure of landfills has also been observed.

Relationships between maximum epicentre distance to landslides and area affected by landslides and earthquake magnitude were found. The influence of precedent climatic conditions was observed in reducing the seismic load required to induce landslides and in the difference on slide mechanism.
