"Age Dating of Karst Forms Upon Regional Assessment of Karst Hazard (A " by V. A. Yolkin

Conference Dates

June 18-21, 2006


The detailed investigations accompanied by collection of forty samples for radiocarbon and palynological analyses from six poorly and well-marked in a relief karst and karst-suffosion sinkholes, have shown, that the largest of them (diameter more than 30 m) are up to 5 - 10 thousand years, and the smaller size up to 2 - 3 thousand years. The marked karst forms - lakes, hollows and the depression reaching in diameter 200 - 300 m and more, were formed due to merging of separate forms and, most likely, have a long pre-Holocene history. The general procedure of regional probabilistic-deterministic assessment of karst hazard with karst collapse (sinkhole) intensity (cases of failures / km2 · years; m2/ km2· years) is discussed. Example is provided of corresponding map of karst hazard, made for the typical karst area of Tatarstan Republic.
