"Integrating Physical Accessibility of Emergency Establishments into Ea" by Kivanc Ertugay and Sebnem Duzgun

Conference Dates

June 18-21, 2006


Human being has always been in a continual struggle with disasters. They are mostly sudden and unexpected and cause irreversible damages to human life and property. Disasters are facts of life, but it is always possible to decrease the effects of disasters by preparedness. In disaster case, accessibility is one of the most vital and important components of disaster preparedness and mean the difference between loosing a life or saving a life. That is why emergency accessibility, regardless if it is measured in time, distance, population or any other cost, is the most important variable that decision makers must consider in the early stages of planning for developing planning policies. In the light of the above mentioned facts this study analyzed 3 different accessibility measurement techniques (Zone Based, Isochronal Based And Raster Based Techniques) within GIS environment for more efficient modeling of physical accessibility in Eskisehir urban area and for creating an accessibility vulnerability index as an input for a higher scale earthquake risk detection process. The results can also directly be used by emergency planners/city and regional planners as a part of a GIS based DSS (Decision Support System) in accessibility measurement or can be integrated into a more comprehensive disaster risk calculation processes.
