
Suspended manufacture of biological structures

Conference Dates

June 5-9, 2017


We present a novel method of extrusion-based ALM for the production of cell-laden strucutres from low viscosity polymers. The traditional planar print bed is replaced with a bed of micoparticulate fluid gel. During the extrusion process, the fluid gel is displaced whilst providing a support strucutre for the low viscosity material allowing manufacture of relatively complex geometries. The extruded structure can then be easily removed from this self-healing fluid bed. For this study, a bi-layered cell-seeded construct was produced to model the osteochondral junction. Osteochondral plugs were produced by the addition of chondrocytes and osteoblasts to 1.5%w/v gellan and 1.5%w/v gellan-5% nano-hydroxyapatite respectively. The consecutive extrusion of these two solutions into the fluid bed followed by further ionic crosslinking produced the bi-layered construct that was implant into a femoral condyle defect in vitro. Cell viability following extrusion was confirmed using calcein AM/PI live/dead staining showing excellent viability. Constructs were then sectioned, and qRT-PCR was performed, showing a native collagen phenotype across the construct with evidence of matrix markers in the cartilage-like region which were also identified using fluroescent-IHC. Constructs were also tested for their bulk relaxation properties. Addition of nano-hydroxyapatite in the bone-like region resulted in a faster, more elastic relaxation than gellan alone, something that has previously been reported to favour osteogenic differentiation.

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