
Structure formation and electrical properties of thin films: The Ce-Ti-O system

Conference Dates

September 4-8, 2016


Recently Nagarajan et al. found a new type of chemically driven insulator-metal transition in non-stoichiometric gallium oxide films (GaOx) [1]. Leichtweiß et al. [2] showed a similar behavior for non-stoichiometric titania (TiO1.6) films. Both oxides disproportionate during heating and relax into the thermodynamically stable phases. A similar approach has been applied to ternary oxides like ITO [3]. Davila et al. produced a nanocomposite and highly oxygen deficient ITO film. Due to its non-stoichiometry the thin film separates directly into a stoichiometric matrix (In1.8Sn0.2O3) which contains metallic clusters (In1.8Sn0.2). This can be explained by the absence of stable suboxides in the system In-Sn-O.

Figure 1 highlights the general experimental approach: Depositing metastable and non-stoichiometric oxide thin films followed by a heating step makes it possible to study the reaction pathways during relaxation into the thermodynamically stable state by various in and ex situ techniques.

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