Overview of NASA transformational tools and technologies Project’s 2700°F CMC/EBC Technology Challenge
Conference Dates
November 5-9, 2017
As advanced gas turbine engine designs continue to move toward both higher operating temperatures and increased pressures, materials capable of functioning under these extreme conditions are being sought by both government and industry. As part of its mission, the NASA’s Transformational Tools and Technologies Project, under the auspices of NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, has been pursuing a five year Technology Challenge problem. This challenge problem has sought to develop high temperature materials for turbine engines that enable a 6% reduction in fuel burn for commercial aircraft, compared to current SOA materials. Specifically this is accomplished by the development and demonstration of a ceramic matrix composite (CMC) and environmental barrier coating (EBC) system capable of sustained performance at temperature of 2700F. The NASA Glenn Research Center has continued its two decade long interest in CMC/EBCs technology by pursuing this 2700F performance goal. This ambitious effort included an array of vendors, universities and engine companies. Included in this challenge was fiber development, fiber architecture considerations, ceramic matrix composition, environmental barrier compositions and processing routes as well as test development. Evaluation of the CMC/EBC materials included a variety of testing, from coupon testing for strength and creep resistance, to testing aimed at determining material behavior under more engine-like conditions.
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Recommended Citation
Janet B. Hurst, "Overview of NASA transformational tools and technologies Project’s 2700°F CMC/EBC Technology Challenge" in "Advanced Ceramic Matrix Composites: Science and Technology of Materials, Design, Applications, Performance and Integration", Yutaka Kagawa, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan Dongming Zhu, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA Ram Darolia, GE Aviation (retired), USA Rishi Raj, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2017). https://dc.engconfintl.org/acmc/56