
Joining emulsion droplets using colloidal rods

Conference Dates

July 31-August 4, 2017


Many of the differences between conventional emulsions and particle-stabilized emulsions stem from the fact that the particles are mesoscopic objects. One curious difference is the phenomenon of bridging.[1] This is where colloidal particles are shared by more than one droplet. It results in emulsions with clusters of droplets that are all attached and it has the effect of making the emulsions very fragile.[2] Previous work in this area has focused on colloidal spheres. Here we explore the bridging behavior of droplets stabilized by colloidal rods. Our rods are spherocylinders which have an iron oxide core coated with a silica shell; in this work we use rods with aspect ratios 3 and 15. We find that bridging is ubiquitous for rod shaped particles, especially at high aspect ratio.

Previously, computer simulations have shown that the adsorption of colloidal rods to liquid interfaces is likely to involve two steps which happen sequentially.[3] In the first step the rods are adsorbed to the interface; in the second step the rods reorient to lie with their long axis in the plane of the interface.

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