
Green and non-mechanical method for production of colloidal-size biochar from agriculture waste

Conference Dates

September 15-20, 2019


Soil is an important source of nutrient and habitat to microflora. During the past 40 years’, the world has lost one-third of its arable land due to an increase in the human population, excessive use of chemical fertilizers, and erosion. There is an urgent need to maintain sustainable approaches in agriculture system. Application of biochar as a soil amendment is a promising approach to improve soil physical, chemical, biological, and hydrological properties. In recent year’s special attention has been focused on pyrolysis condition of biomass, although properties can also be enhanced by the reduction in particle size. Small-size biochar attracts increasing interest due to its unique environmental behavior. This research presents a physical method to modify biochar by ultrasonic radiation to produce colloidal size biochar. Agriculture waste biochar (1 cm) was used as a starting material. We used Malvern sonicator “Hydro 2000MU“ of 20Hz frequency. Biochar (5gram) was added to 100 ml of deionized water and sonicated for 5 hr; after every 15 min of run time, sonicator was stoped for the next 15 min.

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