Conference Dates
July 14-18, 2019
Kinetic models predict the metabolic flows by directly linking metabolite concentrations and enzyme levels to reaction fluxes. Robust parameterization of organism-level kinetic models that faithfully reproduce the effect of different genetic or environmental perturbations remains an open challenge due to the intractability of existing algorithms. This paper introduces K-FIT, an accelerated kinetic parameterization workflow that leverages a novel decomposition approach to identify steady-state fluxes in response to genetic perturbations followed by a gradient-based update of kinetic parameters until predictions simultaneously agree with the fluxomic data in all perturbed metabolic networks. The applicability of K-FIT to large-scale models is demonstrated by parameterizing an expanded kinetic model for E. coli (307 reactions and 258 metabolites) using fluxomic data from six mutants. The achieved thousand-fold speed-up afforded by K-FIT over meta-heuristic approaches is transformational enabling follow-up robustness of inference analyses and optimal design of experiments to inform metabolic engineering strategies.
Recommended Citation
Costa Maranas, "K-FIT: Parameterizing kinetic models of metabolism using multiple fluxomic datasets" in "Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XXI", Christina Chan, Michigan State University, USA Mattheos Koffas, RPI, USA Steffen Schaffer, Evonik Industries, Germany Rashmi Kshirsagar, Biogen, USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2019).