Biological and Pharmaceutical Complex Fluids III: Protein Self-Assembly, Rheology and Interfacial Properties | Proceedings | Engineering Conferences International

July 14-17, 2019
Schloss Hernstein
Hernstein, Austria

Editors:   Samiul Amin, Manhattan College, USA
  Miguel Rodrigues, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  Paolo Arosio, ETHZ, Switzerland

The articles for these proceedings are not peer-reviewed.



Conference Program, Samiul Amin, Paolo Arosio, and Miguel Rodrigues (Article)

The challenge of formulating high concentration therapeutic peptides, Marco van de Weert (Abstract)

Tuning protein behavior by multivalent charges: Aggregation, diffusion, and adsorption, Frank Schreiber (Abstract)

Ion-specific effects for tuning the phase behavior of protein solutions, Olga Matsarskaia (Abstract)

A colloid approach to self-assembling antibodies, Peter Schurtenberger (Abstract)

Concept on self-assembly and structure of globular protein fluids, Komla AKO, Alice Vilotte, Hugues Bodiguel, Clément de Loubens, Deniz Zeynel Gunes, and Christophe Schmitt (Abstract)

Arrest transitions in protein solutions – insight from combining scattering, microrheology, and computer simulations, Anna Stradner (Abstract)


Aggregation challenges in the formulation development of multi-dose peptide products, Jingtao Zhang, Katelyn Smith, Wei Xu, Yongchao Su, Suzanne D’Addio, Yogita Krishnamachari, Jameson Bothe, Daniel Yin, and Xinpei Mao (Abstract and Presentation)

Linking protein-protein interactions to the diversity of amyloid-like aggregates, Vito Foderà (Abstract)

Activation energies define kinetic (in)stabilities of therapeutic antibodies, Richard Melien, David Ng, Nuska Tschammer, Patrick Garidel, Dariush Hinterberger, and Michaela Blech (Abstract)

Bacterial surface layer proteins: a new class of ‘smart’ switchable surface-active proteins, Cait MacPhee (Abstract)

Protein aggregates as building blocks for oil structuring, Elke Scholten (Abstract)

Protein-stabilized emulsions and nanoemulsions, Nikolai Denkov and Slavka Tcholakova (Abstract)

Interfacial rheology of microcapsules and dynamics in flow, Clément de Loubens, Xie Kaili, and Léonetti Marc (Abstract)

Microfluidic and nanotechnology based assays for the development of safe biopharmaceuticals, Paolo Arosio, Marie R.G. Kopp, Marta Virginia Zucca, Umberto Capasso Palmiero, Alessia Villois, Adriana-Michelle Wolf Pérez, Brigitte Friedrichsen, and Nikolai Lorenzen (Abstract)


Biophysical characterization approaches to aid the selection of protein formulations by predicting their physical stability during long-term storage, Hristo Svilenov and Gerhard Winter (Abstract and Presentation)

Predicting the stability of biotherapeutics in formulation, Sarah Hedberg, Analiz Gomez, and Daryl R. Williams (Abstract)

Neutron scattering: A versatile tool for probing complex solutions and surfaces, Luke Clifton (Abstract)

Key stability attributes used from target protein development to process optimization, Hanna Jankevics (Abstract)

Multi-laser nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA): Evaluating protein aggregation, Jeffrey Bodycomb (Abstract)

The development of therapeutic proteins can be hindered by poor decision-making strategies in the early stage, Lorenzo Gentiluomo, Hristo Svilenov, Marcello Morales, Alina Kulakova, Inas El Bialy, Sujata Mahapatra, Aisling Roche, Dillen Augustijn, Maria Laura Greco, Andreas Tosstorff, Sowmya Indrakumar, Shahid Uddin, Tarik Khan, Allan Nørgaard, Werner Streicher, Robin Curtis, Günther H.J. Peters, Åsmund Rinnan, Chris van der Walle, Pernille Harris, Dierk Roessner, Gerhard Winter, and Wolfgang Frieß (Abstract)


A novel technique to characterize the surface hydrophobicity of proteins using inverse liquid chromatography, Dilip Sethi, Sarah Hedberg, and Daryl Williams (Abstract and Presentation)

Possible obstacles and pitfalls during biopharmaceutical processing of high concentration liquid formulations (HCLF), Daniel Molnar (Abstract)

Predicting viscosity of high concentration Mab formulations based on data from high throughput characterization methods, Christoph Grapentin (Abstract)

Multiple interactions and complex viscosity: The impact of frequency rheology for the development of high concentration protein formulations, Josef Hartl, Michaela Blech, Patrick Garidel, and Dariush Hinderberger (Abstract)

Compression and protein-protein interactions as triggers for aggregation of monoclonal antibodies at interfaces, Inas Elbialy, Wolfgang Friess, and Ellen Koepf (Abstract)

Predicting, characterizing, and controlling interfacial antibody adsorption and aggregation, Ian Shieh (Abstract)

Understanding the stabilization of proteins in heterogeneous surface environments, Joel Kaar (Abstract)

Insights into freeze-thaw processes for therapeutic protein formulations, Karoline Bechtold-Peters, Jakob Buecheler, Roberto Marangoni, Oliver Bluemel, and Wolfgang Friess (Abstract)

A perspective on cold processing of proteins, Miguel Rodrigues and Vitor Geraldes (Abstract)

Implications of porous-flow in the design of freeze-thaw systems for biopharmaceuticals and rational scale-down methodology, Vitor Geraldes, Miguel A. Rodrigues, Pedro Rego, and Andreia Duarte (Abstract)

Stability of protein formulations at sub-zero temperatures by isochoric cooling, Eduardo Melo, Evandro Tavares, Carlos Lopes, Joana Silva, Cátia Correia, Andreia Duarte, Miguel A. Rodrigues, and Vitor Geraldes (Abstract)

Evaluation of alternative surfactants as stabilizers for therapeutical protein formulations, Hannah Kientz, Claudia Mueller, Tarik Khan, Janina Pfaff, Robert Kopf, and Joerg Huwyler (Abstract)

Structural integrity of protein nanocage at liquid-liquid Interface, Mridul Sarker and Sierin Lim (Abstract)