Scale-up and Manufacturing of Cell-based Therapies V | Proceedings | Engineering Conferences International

January 15-19, 2017
Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Hotel
San Diego, USA

Editors:   Tom Brieva, Celgene Cellular Therapeutics, USA
  William Miller, Northwestern University, USA
  Chris Mason, University College London, United Kingdom


High density culture of human induced pluripotent stem cells through the refinement of medium by dialysis in suspension, Suman Chandra Nath and Masahiro Kino-oka (Abstract)

NIST and FDA collaboration on standards development activities and laboratory programs supporting translation of regenerative medicine products, Sumona Sarkar and Sheng Lin-Gibson (Abstract)

A method for estimating capital investment and facility footprint of cell therapy facilities, Tania Pereira Chilima, Thierry Bovy, Fabien Moncaubeig, and Suzanne S. Farid (Abstract)

Aggregation kinetics of human mesenchymal stem cells under wave motion, Teng Ma, Ang-Chen Tsai, Yijun Liu, and Ravindran Chella (Abstract)

Dissolvable microcarriers for efficient cell production and recovery, Todd Sciortino, Jennifer Weber, Jeffrey Scibek, and Martial Hervy (Abstract)

Development of an alternative harvesting method using pH to detach adherent cells from microcarriers, Tylor Walsh, Jeff Biernaskie, Rajiv Midha, and Michael S. Kallos (Abstract)

Derivation of endothelial cells and formation of microvasculature from mouse embryonic stem cells, Alan Jesús Gómez-Calderon, Juan Antonio Suárez-Cuenca, and Paul Mondragón-Teran (Abstract)

Directed differentiation of inner ear hair cells from mouse embryonic stem cells (E14Tg2a), Miguel Ángel Juárez Mancera, Paul Mondragón Terán, Juan Antonio Suárez-Cuenca, and Rafael Manuel Navarro-Meneses (Abstract)

Experimental and economic evaluation of different culture systems for mesenchymal stromal/stem cell expansion for clinical applications, Kamilla A. Swiech, Amanda Mizukami, Tania D. Pereira Chilima, Maristela D. Orellana, Dimas T. Covas, and Suzanne S. Farid (Abstract)

Expansion strategies for human mesenchymal stromal cells cultured under xeno-free conditions, Kamilla Swiech, Patrícia Aparecida Tozetti, Samia Rigotto Caruso, Amanda Mizukami, Taisa Risque Fernandes, Maristela Delgado Orellana Hemotherapy, and São Paulo (Abstract)


Modification of T lymphocytes with lentiviral vectors for expression of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR), Virgínia Picanço-Castro, Pablo Moço, Daianne MC Fantacini, Marcela CC Freitas, Dimas T. Covas, and Kamilla Swiech (Abstract and Presentation)

Optimization of human limbal epithelial stem cell expansion under chemically defined culture conditions, Mario Antonio Tellez-Gonzalez, Juan Antonio Suárez-Cuenca, and Paul Mondragón-Terán (Abstract)

Effects of culture media and suspension expansion technologies in mesenchymal stem cell manufacturing - A computational bioprocess and bioeconomics study, Carlos A.V. Rodrigues, Cátia Bandeiras, Joaquim M.S. Cabral, Frederico C. Ferreira, and Stan N. Finkelstein (Abstract)

MaxCyte scalable electroporation: A universal cell engineering platform for development of cell-based medicines from R&D to clinic, Jessica McClure-Kuhar, Joseph Abad, Linhong Li, Pachai Natarajan, Madhusudan Peshwa, Jessica Carmen, and Krista Steger (Abstract)

Shear susceptibility of human mesenchymal stem cells increases with generation number: Implications for stem cell therapy scale-up and manufacturing, Peter Amaya, Eric Plencner, James Kim, Will Heydinger, Jeffrey Chalmers, Peter Rapiejko, and Jane Ring (Abstract)