High-Flux Triple Bed Circulating Fluidized Bed (TBCFB) Gasifier for Exergy Recuperative IGCC/IGFC
Conference Dates
May 1-5, 2011
The flow behavior of silica sand, of average particle size 128 μm, was investigated using a large-scale triple-bed combined circulating fluidized bed (TBCFB) cold model, which was composed of a 0.1 m I.D. ×16.6 m tall riser, a solids distributor, a 0.1m I.D. × 6.5 m long downer, a gas-solids separator, a 0.75 m × 0.27 m × 3.4 m bubbling fluidized bed and a 0.158 m I.D. × 5.0 m tall gas-sealing bed (GSB) with a high solids mass flux. The main focus of this study is to determine effect of riser secondary air injection on solids mass flux (Gs) and solid holdup. Gs slightly increased by secondary air injection when the riser gas velocity (Ugr) was less than 10 m/s. This was caused by the increase in the pressure difference between the GSB and the riser. Secondary air injection had little influence on the solid holdup in the riser. The mixing between silica sand and coal particles was investigated for two different coal feeding arrangements by coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The results show a tangential arrangement provided better mixing than a normal arrangement except near the entrance.
Recommended Citation
Chihiro Fushimi, Guoqing Guan, Masanori Ishizuka, Yu Nakamura, Atsushi Tsutsumi, Yoshizo Suzuki, Eldin Wee, Yong Cheng, and Chi-Hwa wang, "High-Flux Triple Bed Circulating Fluidized Bed (TBCFB) Gasifier for Exergy Recuperative IGCC/IGFC" in "10th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidization Technology - CFB-10", T. Knowlton, PSRI Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2013). https://dc.engconfintl.org/cfb10/15