Conference Dates
May 1-5, 2011
The hydrodynamics of conical spouted beds provided with open-sided draft tubes have been studied for the treatment of fine particles. A correlation has been proposed for the calculation of the minimum spouting velocity as a function of dimensionless moduli that take into account the geometric factors of the contactor and the draft tube, particle characteristics and operating conditions.
Recommended Citation
M. Olazar, Haritz Altzibar, Gartzen Lopez, I. Estiati, and Javier Bilbao, "Correlation of the Minimum Spouting Velocity for the Design of Open-Sided Draft Tube Conical Spouted Beds for the Treatment of Fine Materials" in "10th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidization Technology - CFB-10", T. Knowlton, PSRI Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2013).