"Macroscale Double Networks: Expanding The "Sacrificial Bond Concept" T" by Daniel King


Macroscale Double Networks: Expanding The "Sacrificial Bond Concept" To Large Length–Scales

Conference Dates

July 21-24, 2019


The double network concept has been revolutionary in its ability to turn soft, brittle hydrogels into tough, robust materials.[1,2] Double network hydrogels consist of two interpenetrating networks, where each network has a specific mechanical response: the “first network” acts as a sacrificial network, consisting of a rigid, extended network with relatively low loading percentage, and the “second network” is a globally percolated, stretchable network. When a double network hydrogel is stretched, covalent bonds of the first network break, dissipating energy. Here, we attempt to utilize the essence of this structure at the macroscale, by creating rigid scaffolds and embedding them in a stretchy and tough matrix, mimicking the first and second networks, respectively. The goal of this research is to demonstrate that the “sacrificial bond concept” is applicable at length-scales beyond the molecular scale. Furthermore, we aim to outline the design criteria for optimize the properties of these composites.

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