"Exploration of the materials paradigm with respect to bioinspiration" by John Nychka

Conference Dates

November 8-12, 2015


From the perspective of materials science and engineering the materials paradigm has traditionally been made of four grouped, and interrelated, fundamental aspects of materials: structure, properties, processing/synthesis, and performance. In order to make connections between these aspects we often rely on characterization techniques. When considering the field of bioinspiration, does the materials paradigm adequately cover what nature has to offer? Our way of approaching the issue of bioinspiration has largely been based in applying the materials paradigm, however, is there anything missing in our approach? Can we map nature to the materials paradigm? How can we? What can the paradigms of other disciplines offer? Should we even try? Such questions will be explored through a survey of some natural materials (plant leaf surfaces and bone growth) which have inspired us in composite coatings development. The presentation will delve into the materials paradigm and its application in bioinspiration to reveal strengths and weaknesses of our approach and indicate potential alterations of our thinking which may benefit future materials developments from the standpoint of bioinspiration.
