"Carbon oxidation over silver/perovskite-type oxide composite catalysts" by Hidenori Yahiro


Carbon oxidation over silver/perovskite-type oxide composite catalysts

Conference Dates

November 10-14, 2019


The removal of particulate matter (PM) is successively developed as a new catalytic process for the environmental protect. Up to date, silver-loaded ceria (Ag/CeO2) catalyst has been reported to be the potential catalyst for the removal of PM [1]. However, little is known about the catalytic activity of Ag-loaded perovskite-type oxide for PM oxidation although it has been reported that La1-xSrxCoO3 and LaFeO3 catalysts are active for PM oxidation [2]. In the present study, the catalytic activity over silver-perovskite-type oxide composite catalyst such as Ag/LaFeO3 and Ag/LaCoO3 etc. was examined for the oxidation of carbon as a model compound of PM. The catalysts were prepared by two different methods: a conventional impregnation method with silver nitrate solution on perovskite-type oxide (Method I) and a thermal decomposition of heteronuclear cyano-complex adsorbing Ag ions (Method II) to yield Ag-loaded perovskite-type oxide composite catalysts [3, 4].

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