Bio‐Nanopatterning: Inkjet printed nanopatterned aptamer‐based sensors for improved optical detection of foodborne pathogens
Conference Dates
November 10-14, 2019
The increasing incidence of infectious outbreaks from contaminated food and water supplies continues to impose a global burden for public health. There is a market demand for on‐site, disposable, easy‐to‐use, and cost‐efficient pathogen sensing devices. Despite the rapid growth of biosensing as a research field, and the generation of breakthrough technologies, more than 80% of the biosensors developed at the laboratory scale never will get to meet the market. This work presents a cost‐efficient, reliable, and repeatable aptasensing platform for the whole-cell detection of foodborne pathogens in real food samples.
An optimized inkjet printing platform was designed, taking advantage of the carefully controlled bionanopatterning of novel carboxyl‐functionalized aptameric inks on a nitrocellulose substrate.
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Recommended Citation
Lia Stanciu and Susana Diaz, "Bio‐Nanopatterning: Inkjet printed nanopatterned aptamer‐based sensors for improved optical detection of foodborne pathogens" in "Composites at Lake Louise 2019", John Kieffer, University of Michigan, USA Erik Spoeke, Sandia National Laboratories, USA Meisha Shofner, Georgia Institution of Technology, USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2019). https://dc.engconfintl.org/composites_all_2019/20
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