How big should your nanoindentation be? The implications of indentation size in assessing the properties of complex structure
Conference Dates
November 10-14, 2019
Drivers for testing small volumes of materials for assessing the mechanical properties are either (1) the sample you want to test is very small in the first place, such as measuring the hardness of a wear resistant coating which is in thin film form or (2) you can well-characterize a small volume or the small volume has some spatially distinct feature, such as probing properties near a grain boundary, or in two phase systems. Small scale mechanical testing using instrumented indentation generally requires minimal sample preparation and has high spatial fidelity, but creates complex loading states as opposed to uniaxial or biaxial applied stress methods. However, the ease of use and wide range of samples which are amenable for indentation testing has made this a common tool both for experimental assessment studies and for experimental validation of providing comparisons to simulations and predictions of mechanical properties.
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Recommended Citation
David F. Bahr, Raheleh Mohammad Rahimi, Alexandra C. Burch, and Siavash Ghanbari, "How big should your nanoindentation be? The implications of indentation size in assessing the properties of complex structure" in "Composites at Lake Louise 2019", John Kieffer, University of Michigan, USA Erik Spoeke, Sandia National Laboratories, USA Meisha Shofner, Georgia Institution of Technology, USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2019). https://dc.engconfintl.org/composites_all_2019/32
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