"Soft matter structure measurement by polarized resonant soft X-ray sca" by Dean DeLongchamp


Soft matter structure measurement by polarized resonant soft X-ray scattering

Conference Dates

November 10-14, 2019


In many applications of soft matter, the connection between structure and performance is complex, and conventional structure measurements are not sufficient to provide a predictive structural model. Nanoscale variations in molecular orientation and composition, particularly in amorphous regions, are thought to be critical, but few techniques can probe them. I will describe our approach to polarized resonant soft X-ray scattering (P-RSoXS), which combines principles of soft X-ray spectroscopy, small-angle scattering, real-space imaging, and molecular simulation to produce a molecular scale structure measurement for soft materials and complex fluids. Progress and designs for a new P-RSoXS measurement station we are building at NIST beamlines at the National Synchrotron Light Source II will be shown.

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