Hyperbaric laser chemical vapor deposition of high-strength aluminum- silicon-carbide nanocomposite fibers for aerospace and transportation applications
Conference Dates
November 10-14, 2019
For over 25 years, hyperbaric pressure laser chemical vapor deposition (HP-LCVD) has been studied by various authors as a mean for growing three-dimensional structures and fibers [1-2]. Novel normally-immiscible materials (NIMs) [3], amorphous/glassy ceramics [4], and high-strength fibers have been grown [5]. However, the highest experimental pressures to date have only reached beyond the critical point of certain alkanes (<60 bar) [6]. Our group has found it useful to synthesize materials from high pressure fluids, where the ensuing cooling rates after deposition can exceed 106 K/s. This has enabled the growth of (metastable) amorphous and nanostructured materials, including diamond-like carbon and boron carbides [7-8]. For this work, freestanding nanocomposite fibers were grown from mixtures of Bis(trimethylsilyl)methane and various organometallic and halide aluminum precursors. A chopped, cw fiber laser at 1064nm and diode lasers at 808nm were used for this work. The 1/e2 laser beam waists were approximately 10-15 microns across. The resulting Al-Si-C fibers could be grown continuously—and were nanostructured due to the precursor pressures and laser powers employed. A variety of phases were found to be present, including aluminum carbide, silicon carbide, carbon, and silicon-rich phases. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) were used to characterize the composition and structure of the resulting materials. A map of the ternary phase diagram under these non-equilibrium conditions will be provided and discussed in detail. These fibers will find utility in reinforcements for ceramic- and metal-matrix composites for aerospace and transportation applications.
[1]F. T. Wallenberger, P. C. Nordine, M. Boman, Composites Science and Technology, 1994, 51, 192.
[2]J. L. Maxwell, US Patent #5,786,023, 1996.
[3]J. L. Maxwell, M. R. Black, C. A. Chavez, K. R. Maskaly, M. Espinoza, M. Boman, Applied Physics A-Materials Science and Engineering, 2008, 91, 507.
[4]F. T. Wallenberger, P. C. Nordine, Journal of Materials Research, 1994, 9, 527.
[5]M. Boman, D. Bauerle, Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 1995, 42, 405.
[6] J. Maxwell, Unpublished Results.
[7]J. Maxwell, M. Boman, W. Springer, J. Narayan, S. Gnanavelu, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128, 4405.
[8]J. Maxwell, C. Chavez, W. Springer, K. Maskaly, D. Goodin, Diamond and Related Materials, 2007, 16, 1557.
Recommended Citation
James L. Maxwell, Avinash Baji, and Ing Kong, "Hyperbaric laser chemical vapor deposition of high-strength aluminum- silicon-carbide nanocomposite fibers for aerospace and transportation applications" in "Composites at Lake Louise 2019", John Kieffer, University of Michigan, USA Erik Spoeke, Sandia National Laboratories, USA Meisha Shofner, Georgia Institution of Technology, USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2019). https://dc.engconfintl.org/composites_all_2019/50
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