Cosmetic and Consumer Product Formulation Design: Automation, AI and Machine Learning Webinar | Proceedings | Engineering Conferences International

April 16, 2021

Chair:   Samiul Amin, Manhattan College, USA

The articles for these proceedings are not peer-reviewed.

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Webinar Introduction, Samiul Amin (Video)

Automation and in silico approaches applied to the launch of new ingredients for beauty & personal care products (Intro), Paul Jenkins (Video)

Modeling and data analytics in the formulation of surfactant formulations, Peter Koenig (Video)

FORMAX and FLEXFORMAX: The ultimate way to integrate the process benefits into formula innovation, Jean-Louis Mattei (Video)

First Q&A Session, Samiul Amin (Video)

Leveraging AI to Unlock Smarter Decisions in Formulations R&D, Raphael Stargrove (Video)

AI for Cosmetic formulation: Towards predictive analytics, Abdou Kane (Video)

AI Powered Formulation Optimization, Scott Healey (Video)

Second Q&A Panel Discussion, Samiul Amin (Video)