Sixth International Workshop on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking | Proceedings | Engineering Conferences International

July 16-21, 2023
Washington, DC area, USA

Chair:   A.K. Vasudevan, Office of Naval Research (retired)
  Ronald Latanision, Exponent, Inc.
  Henry Holroyd, Luxfer (retired)
  Fritz Friedersdorf, Luna Labs USA, LLC
  Mehdi Amiri Darehbidi, George Mason University



Conference Program - SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTALLY-ASSISTED CRACKING, A.K. Vasudevan, Ron Latanision, Henry Holroyd, Fritz Friedersdorf, and Mehdi Amiri (Article)

Environment-induced crack initiation in metals - experimental studies, Henry Holroyd (Abstract)

Characterizing environmentally assisted crack initiation and short crack growth, Tim L. Burnett, Ryan Euesden, Yasser Aboura, Matt Curd, Anthony Cook, Emily Aradi, Cameron Grant, Yichao Yao, Fabio Scenini, Alyshia Keogh, Phil Prangnel, Henry Holroyd, and Zak Barrett (Abstract)

Effect of laser surface treatment on the corrosion and fatigue performance of aa5456-h116 alloys, Rajaguru Jeyamohan, Mohammed Shabana, Ji ma, John R. Scully, and James T. Burns (Abstract)

Evaluation of chloride stress corrosion susceptibility of stainless steels, Earl Johns, Keith Eklund, Matt Stiger, John Brockenbrough, Fritz Friedersdorf, Nathan Hipwell, and Nate Brown (Abstract)

Modeling electrochemically assisted hydrogen adsorption on alloy surfaces, Chris Taylor (Abstract)

Advances in peridynamic modeling of environmentally- assisted cracking, Florin Bobaru (Abstract)

Combined damage-fracture model for corrosion fatigue crack growth in 3D parts, Alexander Staroselsky (Abstract)

Electrochemical-mechanical phase field model for electroplating process, Jung Ho Yang, Nagaraja Iyyer, Anne Brant, Murali Sundaram, Kittur Madan, and Nam Phan (Abstract)

A computational framework for prediction of atmospheric, Mehdi Amiri (Abstract)

Correlating nature of precipitates with environmental degradation in aluminum alloys, Ramasis Goswami and Alex Moser (Abstract)

Unusual behavior of long cracks at low dk: Marci effect, Daniel Kujawski and A.K. Vasudevan (Abstract)

New aluminum alloy design, Asuri Vasudevan and D. Kujawski (Abstract)

Quantification of environmentally-assisted cracking mechanisms with high- resolution characterisation, Sergio Lozano-Perez (Abstract)

Preferred EAC initiation sites in 7xxx aluminum, Matthew Curd, Ryan T. Euesden, Yichao Yao, Philip B. Prangnell, and Timothy L. Burnett (Abstract)

Atomic mechanism of near threshold fatigue crack growth in vacuum as a basis for understanding environmental effects, Mingjie Zhao, Derek H. Warner, and Wenjia Gu (Abstract)

Microstructural crack path prediction using graph theory, Veera Sundararaghavan (Abstract)

Dynamic fracture in dealloying induced stress-corrosion cracking, Karl Sieradzki (Abstract)

Surface stress in metals induced by organic monolayer films, Srinivasan Chandrasekar, Debapriya Pinaki Mohanty, Tatsuya Sugihara, Anirudh Udupa, James B Mann, and Ronald Latanision (Abstract)

Modeling hydrogen diffusion in precipitation hardened nickel alloy, Attilio Arcari, Mohammed Zikry, and Derek J. Horton (Abstract)

Development of a lifetime prediction model for evaluating the sensitivities of aiscc susceptibility in stainless-steel nuclear waste storage canisters, Sarah Blust and James Burns (Abstract)

Use of an inverse life plot for fatigue endurance/limit estimation, Daniel Kujawski, Asuri K. Vasudevan, Stefano Plano, and Davide Gabellone (Abstract)

Is laboratory testing of SCC susceptibility fit for purpose?, Alan Turnbull (Abstract)

Assessing the loading rate dependence of hydrogen environment-assisted cracking behavior in a wide-range of engineering alloys, James Burns, Mike Roach, Rajaguru Jeyamohan, and Zachary D. Harris (Abstract)

Environment-assisted fracture, my friend: The cutting of gummy metals, Ronald M. Latanision, Anirudh Udupa, Tatsuya Sugihara, Debapriya Pinaki Mohanty, James B Mann, Jason Davis, Koushik Viswanathan, and Srinivasan Chandrasekar (Abstract)


The influence of additive manufacturing (3D printing) on susceptibility to environmentally induced fracture, Rick Ricker and Mark R. Stoudt (Abstract)

Electrochemical activities at the crack tip: A localized approach, Leila Saberi, Mehdi Amiri, and Attilio Arcari (Abstract)

Environmentally-assisted degradation and erosion of polymers for attritable metamaterials, Nicole Apetre, John Michopoulos, Benjamin Graber, Athanasios Iliopoulos, John Steuben, Attilio Arcari, and Evan Strickland (Abstract)

Fracture toughnes K1c affecting static threshold K1scc, Asuri Vasudevan, D. Kujawski, and R. Latanision (Abstract)

Fatigue threshold Kmax,th affected by static threshold K1scc, Asuri Vasudevan, D .Kujawski, and R. Latanision (Abstract)

Atmospheric laboratory and outdoor testing of aluminum a lloy environment assisted cracking, Fritz Friedersdorf and Liam Agnew (Abstract)

NEEDS AND PATH FORWARD FOR EAC, William Nickerson (Abstract)

Needs and path forward for EAC, Dave Rusk (Abstract)