Use of phase resolved partial discharges for studying the incubation period of room temperature flash sintering of zinc oxide52
Conference Dates
March 19-24, 2023
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Recommended Citation
Jean-Francois Fagnard, Caroline Gajdowski, Laurent Boilet, Jean-Pierre Erauw, François Henrotte, Philippe Vanderbemden, and Christophe Geuzaine, "Use of phase resolved partial discharges for studying the incubation period of room temperature flash sintering of zinc oxide52" in "Electric Field Enhanced Processing of Advanced Materials III: Complexities and Opportunities", Rishi Raj, University of Colorado Boulder, USA; Luis Perez-Maqueda, CICA, Spain Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2022). https://dc.engconfintl.org/efe_advancedmaterials_iii/15