April 6-11, 2003 - Tomar, Portugal
Editors: | Carl McHargue, University of Tennessee, USA |
Eleanor Baum, Cooper Union, USA |
The articles for these proceedings are not peer-reviewed.
Table of Contents, The Editors (Article)
Foreword, The Editors (Article)
Preparation of US Engineering Students for International Practice, Russel C. Jones (Article)
Developing Global Perspectives for Engineering Students: A North American View , Axel Meisen (Article)
Enhancement of the Global Perspective for Engineering Students by Providing an International Experience: An Academic View - Europe, Claudio Borri and Elisa Guberti (Article)
Need for Global Perspective: An Industrial View, Kruno Hernaut (Article)
Global Engineering Education Exchange (Global E3), Lester Gerhardt (Article)
Student Exchange in Japan: Why and How to Provide Engineering Students with an International Experience, Itsuo Ohnaka (Article)
Monterrey Tech's International Strategy, Teofilo Ramos and Enrique Zepeda (Article)
The German Initiative for Students in Science and Technology, Heide Naderer (Article)
Undergraduate Engineers Get Credit for Saving Venice, Fabio Carrera, David DiBiasio, and Natalie A. Mello (Article)
Global Engineering Education Through Joint Degree Programs, Ali Asghar Mirarefi (Article)
Barriers to Students Gaining an International Experience - Summary of Group Discussion, Carl J. McHargue and Eleanor Baum (Article)
Impact of the Sorbonne-Bologna Process on Engineering in Europe, Torbjörn Hedberg (Article)
The International Dimension Through Student Mobility, B. E. Mulhall (Article)
Models of European Double and Joint Degrees: A Need for Transparency, Giancarlo Spinelli (Article)
International Accreditation Activities, Alfredo Soeiro (Article)
Assessing the Value of the International Experience, Bethany S. Oberst (Article)
Providing Central and East European Engineering Students with International Experience, Radu Chisleag (Article)
Issue of Quality in Nigeria Education System, C. N. Achi (Article)
Georgia Tech's Strategies for Global Engineers, Jack R. Lohmann (Article)
Opportunities for International Studies: Öresund University - A Regional University, Bengt Streijffert (Article)
The International Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering Program, Ivan A. Camelier (Article)
Mediterranean Engineering Schools' Network (RMEI), Zile Soilihi (Article)
New Perspectives on Teaching Computer Science in Europe, Mário João Atunes, João Cunha, Jorge Bernardino, Frank Heubach, Mark Kirby, Hugh Osborne, Dominique Laurent, and Jari-Pekka Paalassalo (Article)
Lawrence Technological University - Global Engineering Education Program, Steven Howell and George Schneider (Article)
Preparing Engineering Students for the New Business Paradigm of International Teamwork and Global Orientation, Keith Sheppard, Peter Dominick, and Zvi Aronson (Article)
Appendix 1: Participants List, The Editors (Article)