Conference Dates
May 16-21, 2010
Gross solids circulation of solid phase and its influence on mixing/segregation of a large flotsam particle in beds of finer solids in unconventional fluidized beds has been investigated. A tapered two-dimensional fluidization column and a fluidization column equipped with a diverging cone as gas distributor have been adopted. The hydrodynamics of the gas-solid suspension in the two apparatus has been qualitatively assessed by visual observation and the trajectories of the centre-of-gravity of large flotsam particles have been evaluated to assess the extent of mixing/segregation.
Recommended Citation
Roberto Solimene; Paola Ammendola, Giovanna Ruoppolo; and Riccardo Chirone, "HYDRODYNAMICS OF UNCONVENTIONAL FLUIDIZED BEDS: SOLIDS FLOW PATTERNS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON MIXING/SEGREGATION OF A LARGE FLOTSAM PARTICLE IN A BED OF FINER SOLIDS" in "The 13th International Conference on Fluidization - New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering", Sang Done Kim,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; Yong Kang, Chungnam National University, Korea; Jea Keun Lee, Pukyong National University, Korea; Yong Chil Seo, Yonsei University, Korea Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2010).