Conference Dates
May 16-21, 2010
Volumetric flow can change due to such factors as variation in the number of moles due to reaction, feed distribution, change of phase, membranes and changes in temperature and pressure. This change in volumetric flow was investigated by varying the fluidized-bed pressure in a two-dimensional steel column. Pressure was impulsively adjusted, showing large transient voids during the transitions after rapid growth of the existing bubbles. The effects of sudden depressurization as well as elevated pressure fluidization were also investigated.
Recommended Citation
Andrés Mahecha-Botero, Franz Haseidl, Alexander Nguyen, Tingwen Li, and John R. Grace, "INVESTIGATION OF CHANGE OF VOLUMETRIC FLOW IN FLUIDIZED-BED REACTORS" in "The 13th International Conference on Fluidization - New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering", Sang Done Kim,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; Yong Kang, Chungnam National University, Korea; Jea Keun Lee, Pukyong National University, Korea; Yong Chil Seo, Yonsei University, Korea Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2010).