Alkali Activated Materials and Geopolymers: Sustainable Construction Materials and Ceramics Made Under Ambient Conditions | Proceedings | Engineering Conferences International

May 28 – June 2, 2023
Calabria, Italy

Conference Chairs:   W.M. Kriven, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
  Cristina Leonelli, Universita’ degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
  John L. Provis, University of Sheffield, UK
  Aldo R. Boccaccini, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

The articles for these proceedings are not peer-reviewed.




Current knowledge of geopolymers and AAMs network, Angel Palomo and Cristina Leonelli (Abstract)

Designing alkali-activated materials based on the precursor volume fraction and molar concentration of activator, Vlastimil Bílek Jr, Lukáš Kalina, Radoslav Novotný, and Barbara Kucharczyková (Abstract)

Exploration of the phase composition of activated calcined clay-slag mixtures using 27Al and 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy, Faten Souayfan, Emmanuel Rozière, Michaël Paris, Dimitri Deneele, Ahmed Loukili, and Christophe Justino (Abstract)

The origin of the acceleration period in alkali-activated fly ash, Luiz Miranda de Lima, John Provis, and Guang Ye (Abstract)

Metakaolin particle size reduction and geopolymer composite modeling for higher strength, Ruy A.; Marilene G.; Patrick F. Keane; Waltraud M. Kriven; and Mauro R. Sardela, (Abstract)

Organic ligands improve the reactivity of aluminosilicate precursors and accelerate AAM hardening, Juho Yliniemi (Abstract)

Acid attacks on metakaolin based-geopolymers with recycled corundum: A study focused on the role of anions by NMR characterization, Giovanni Dal Poggetto, Cristina Leonelli, and Waltraud Kriven (Abstract)

Recent developments in geopolymer composites and their potential applications, Waltraud M. Kriven (Abstract)

On the use of varied natural fibers as sustainable sources to tailor highly efficient geopolymer composite materials, Ana C. C. Trindade, Deyvid C. Silva, Ali Ozer, Shruti Sood, Kaushik Sankar, and Prof. Waltraud M. Kriven (Abstract)

Recent advances on the mechanical properties of geopolymers through the design of hybrid particulate-fiber reinforced composites, Ana Carolina Trindade (Abstract)

Development of gamma-ray and neutron radiation shielding using geopolymer-particulate composites, Alexander Fields, Jianxin Zhou, Ali Ozer, Angela Di Fulvio, and Waltraud Kriven (Abstract)

Ancient binders before and after Roman “Opus Caementicium”, Gilberto Artioli (Abstract)

Success story of alkali-activated high calcium oxide fly ash concrete handling for cast in-situ road construction, Nawamonwan Sirima; Chalermphol Bunsong; Smith Songpiriyakij; and Fongjan Jirasit, (Abstract)

Geopolymer mortar with flash-calcined dredged sediment, Ali ALLOUL, Mouhamadou AMAR, Nore-Edine ABRIAK, and Mahfoud BENZERZOUR (Abstract)

Sustainability and multifunctionality for next-generation construction materials, Michael Di Mare (Abstract)

Valorisation of Moroccan clays in geopolymer binders, Anass El-Khomsi (Abstract)

Functional inorganic geopolymer coatings for different applications, Ameni Gharzouni, Anass El Khomsi, and Sylvie Rossignol (Abstract)

Ash beneficiation for the enhancement of electrical transmission infrastructure, Kelley Anne Reynolds-Clausen, Phenyo N Mvuyana, and Cyril N Attwell (Abstract)

Fire resistant materials based on argilite or metakaolin as a refractory geopolymer, S. Rossignol, A. Gharzouni, Lila Ouamara, and E. Fourcy (Abstract)

The use of alkali activated materials in mining Applications, Cyril N Attwell, Kelley Anne Reynolds-Clausen, and Phenyo N Mvuyana (Abstract)

Geopolymer based brake pads, Cecilia Gomiero, Enrico Casamassa, and Giuliana Magnacca (Abstract)

SMART geopolymers, an ERA-MIN project, Silviana Onisei, Dinos Sakkas, Rui Novais, Izabela Hager, Elise l François, Michał Łach, Vassilios Binas, and Hubert l Rahier (Abstract)

Alkali-activated material used for immobilization of mine wastewater concentrate, Minna Sarkkinen, Jyrki Törmänen, and Jaana Koivumaa (Abstract)

Impact of calcium hydroxide on physical characteristics and leaching stability of metakaolin-based geopolymer waste form containing radioactive borate waste, Byoungkwan Kim, Hyun-Min Ma, Brant Walkley, Tae-min Yeo, Sung-Hee Hyun, and Wooyong Um (Abstract)

Development of geopolymer materials for sustainable design, Laura Ricciotti, Alessio Occhicone, Claudio Ferone, Raffaele Cioffi, and Giuseppina Roviello (Abstract)

A novel management concept for reverse osmosis reject waters: immobilization into alkali-activated aluminosilicate matrix, Sima Kamali, Katja Ohenoja, Cristina Leonelli, Giovanni Dal Poggetto, Vitalii Pnomar, and Tero Luukkonen (Abstract)

Uptake of nickel with alkali-activated materials from mining wastewaters, Johanna Laukkanen, Tero Luukkonen, Arja Sarpola, and Ulla Lassi (Abstract)

Reactive metal/graphene oxide doping to fabricate porous geopolymers for arsenic removal, Abdul Qadeer, Ali Ozer, and Waltraud M. Kriven (Abstract)

Geopolymers adsorbents: Production and use, Elettra Papa, Elena Landi, Valentina Medri, Matteo Minelli, Alma Mater, Davide Pinelli, and Dario Frascari (Abstract)

Elaboration of geopolymer binders from phosphate mining waste rocks and their application in immobilizing simulated radionuclides Cs and Sr, Sanae SBI, Youssef TAMRAOUI, and Jones . ALAMI (Abstract)

Adsorption and desorption of ammonium by the novel porous geopolymer granules, Yangmei . Yu, Priyadharshini Perumal, and Tero . Luukkonen (Abstract)

Containment of Group 1 molten chloride salt using an amorphous self- healing geopolymer composite, Patrick Keane, Dr. Rhys Jacob, Dr. Martin Belusko, and Professor Frank Bruno (Abstract)

Effect of precursor and activator type on effectiveness of lignosulfonate plasticizer in alkali-activated materials, David Markusík, Vlastimil Bílek Jr, and Martin Kadlec (Abstract)

Alkali activation for management of construction and demolition wastes coming from earthquake, Isabella Lancellotti, Vittorio Vezzali, and Cristina Leonelli (Abstract)

Effect of the progressive substitution of metakaolinite by metallurgical residues on the properties of phosphate cementitious materials, Rania Derouiche, Hubert. Rahier, and Samir Baklouti (Abstract)


Development of one-part geopolymers based on industrial waste, Rebecca Willson-Levy, Alva Peled, Ofra Klein-BenDavid, and Gabriela Bar-Nes (Abstract and Presentation)

Recycling of electric arc furnace slag from hydrogen-based iron production in cementitious binders, Vitalii Ponomar, Katja Ohenoja, Timo Fabritius, and Mirja Illikainen (Abstract)

Modifying of expansive clay soils using alkali activated ESKOM dump ash, Phenyo N Mvuyana, Kelley Anne Reynolds-Clausen, Dan Dukhan, and Cyril N Attwell (Abstract)

New alkali-activated materials from extensive use of waste glass, Giulia Tameni, Francesco Cammelli, Francesco Stangherlin, and Enrico Bernardo (Abstract)

Alkali activated binders based on municipal solid waste Incineration bottom ash, Alex Maldonado-Alameda, Jofre Mañosa, Joan Formosa, Jessica Giro-Paloma, and Josep M. Chimenos (Abstract)

The investigation of the potential of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash as a mineral resource, Farnaz Aghabeyk, Boyu Chen, and Guang Ye (Abstract)

Synthetic precursor to make alkali activated cements, A. Fernández-Jiménez, P. Martín-Rodríguez, I. García-Lodeiro, and A. Palomo (Abstract)

Influence of the type of alkaline activator on the reactions and mechanical properties of autoclaved bauxite residue-based monoliths, Fábio Oliveira, Tobias Hertel, and Yiannis Pontikes (Abstract)

Mercury and cadmium immobilization in potassium-activated geopolymer: the effect of mixing design and heavy metals concentration, Pramesti Prihutami, Chaerun Raudhatul Islam, Yusuke Ohya, Ryosuke Kikuchi, Tsutomu Sato, and Tsubasa Otake (Abstract)

Utilisation of Cs-contaminated Fukushima soil as natural pozzolan for embedding into k-alkali activated materials, Raudhatul Islam Chaerun, Pramesti Prihutami, Midori Sano, Yusuke Ohya, Ryosuke Kikuchi, Tsutomu Sato, and Tsubasa Otake (Abstract)

On the effect of foaming agents on the porous structure and zeolite content of ceramic foams produced by geopolymer gel conversion, Assunta Campanile, Paolo Aprea, Claudio Ferone, Domenico Caputo, and Barbara Liguori (Abstract)

The effect of nano-silica on the performance of geopolymer concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber, Fadi Althoey (Abstract)

Cork powdery industrial waste in metakaolin–geopolymer matrix, Giovanni Dal Poggetto, Cristina Leonelli, and Luisa Barbieri (Abstract)

Textile reinforced cementitious composites with natural fibers and non-traditional cements – treatment of the fibers to reduce their swelling in water, Gulsen Nazerian, Rania Derouiche, Guillermo Meza Hernandez, Jun Gu, and Hubert Rahier (Abstract)

Insights on atomic ordering and reaction kinetics via in situ X-ray pair distribution function: High calcium vs low calcium systems, Hyeonseok Jee and Nishant Garg (Abstract)

Foundry sand alkali activation for sustainable construction, Lancellotti I, Sgarlata C, Ariza-Tarazona MC, Paradisi E, Zacco A, Caneschi A, Depero L. E, and Siligardi C (Abstract)

Shrinkage of alkali-activated mortars intended for concrete repair, Ivana Krajnović and Stijn Matthys (Abstract)

Optimization of process parameters for the synthesis of geopolymer binders, Lulseged Belay Addis, Zenamarkos Bantie Sendekie, Nigus Gabbiye Habtu, Judith A. Roether, and Aldo R. Boccaccini (Abstract)

EXCEED Route: Lithium mining residues as secondary resources for construction materials through alkali activation, Priyadharshini Perumal (Abstract)

Antennas and absorbing materials based on geopolymers, A. Gharzouni, E. Martinod, O Tantot, and S. Rossignol (Abstract)

AshCycle Project: Recovery of valuable components and preparation of alkali- activated materials from municipal solid waste, biomass, and sewage sludge ashes, Tero Luukkonen (Abstract)

Class C fly ash activated by low alkalinity activator with controlled setting, Weiliang Gong, Hui Xu, and Ian L . Pegg (Abstract)

KEOPS project: Research on sustainable high-added value alkali-activated concretes based on industrial waste, Carolina Martínez García, Alex Maldonado-Alameda, Félix Pedroso, Alessandro Russo, Pilar Hidalgo Torrano, Francisco Javier Prego Martínez, Pablo García, M. Alberto Miguéns Blanco, Diego Aponte, and Elena Hidalgo (Abstract)

Evaluation of mechanically activated kaolin as alkali-activated material precursor, Jofre Mañosa, Alex Maldonado-Alameda, Ana Fernández-Jiménez, and Josep M. Chimenos (Abstract)