"Retrofitting Crude Oil Refinery Heat Exchanger Networks" by B. L. Yeap, D. I. Wilson et al.

Conference Dates

May 18-22, 2003

First Page



The use of fouling factors in heat exchanger design and the lack of appreciation of fouling in traditional pinch approach has often resulted badly designed crude preheat networks that are expensive to maintain. The development of thermal and pressure drop models for crude oil fouling has allowed its effects to be quantified, so that techno-economic analyses can be performed and various design options compared. Application of these fouling models is carried out on two levels: on the assessment of adding extra area to individual exchangers, and the design of a complete network using the Modified Temperature Field Plot. Application to a refinery case study showed that both at the exchanger and network levels, designing for maximum heat recovery using traditional pinch approach results in the least efficient heat recovery over a time period when fouling occurs.
