"Hydrogen-microstructure interactions by novel back-side hydrogen charg" by Jazmin Maria Duarte Correa, Jing Rao et al.


Hydrogen-microstructure interactions by novel back-side hydrogen charging during in situ nanoindentation

Conference Dates

September 29-October 4, 2019


To understand how hydrogen interacts with different features (e.g. dislocations, grain boundaries, precipitates, etc.) in alloys and composites is essential either to control and benefit from the hydrogen technology, or to prevent the destructive outcome of hydrogen embrittlement. Failure mechanisms initiate at the atomic scale with hydrogen absorption and further interaction with trap binding sites or defects. Nanoindentation and related techniques are valuable tools to study independently such mechanisms due to the small volume probed. Even more, in situ testing while charging the sample with hydrogen can prevent the formation of concentration gradients due to hydrogen desorption.

Two custom electrochemical cells were built for in situ hydrogen charging during nanoindentation of the sample (Figure 1): “front-side” charging with the sample and indenter tip immersed into the electrolyte, and “back-side” charging where the analyzed region is never in contact with the solution and therefore the observed effects are only due to hydrogen. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches during the study of the hydrogen effect on the mechanical behavior and incipient plasticity in bcc FeCr alloys. A reduction in the pop-in load indicating the yield point with the increase of hydrogen content and formation of multiple pop-ins during nanoindentation provided evidence for the decrease in the resolved shear stress and enhanced dislocations nucleation. This behavior is consistent with multiscale simulations of homogeneous dislocation nucleation where the reduced critical shear stress can be explained as an effective decrease of the dislocation line energy due to the interaction with diffusible hydrogen.

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