"In situ nanoindentation of Au crystals imaged by Bragg coherent X-ray " by Thomas Cornelius, Florian Lauraux et al.


In situ nanoindentation of Au crystals imaged by Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction

Conference Dates

September 29-October 4, 2019


The mechanical properties of micro- and nanostructures were demonstrated to vary significantly from their bulk counterparts. Despite numerous studies, plasticity at the nanoscale is, however, not fully understood yet. In situ experiments are perfectly suited for the fundamental understanding of the onset of dislocation nucleation. Recently, we developed a scanning force microscope (SFINX) which is compatible with 3rd generation synchrotron beamlines allowing for in situ nano-mechanical tests in combination with nano-focused X-ray diffraction [1] such as coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CDI). This novel lensless imaging method retrieves the sample scattering function from a coherent X-ray diffraction data set using computational inversion algorithms, thus determining the phase of the scattered amplitude, which is not directly measured by a detector. In Bragg condition, the retrieved phase is directly related to the displacement field and, hence to the strain within a crystal.

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