"Measurement of enhanced ductility in nanolayered ceramics via micro-co" by Julia T. Pürstl, Thomas Edwards et al.


Measurement of enhanced ductility in nanolayered ceramics via micro-compression testing and digital image correlation

Conference Dates

September 29-October 4, 2019


The use of ceramic or intermetallic structures in industrial applications is limited by their brittleness. However, it has been shown that nanolayered ceramics, such as the MAX phases, show unusually high levels of plasticity, with resolved shear yield stresses being reported to be as low as 77 MPa [1]. Our aim is to show that the origin of this behaviour is related to electron density shifts between layers, which enable eased dislocation movement compared to non-layered ceramics [2]. For an accurate study of this effect, and to prove its generality, a reliable determination of the onset of plastic deformation in form of dislocation movement is crucial.

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