"High strain rate plasticity in microscale glass" by Rajaprakash Ramachandramoorthy, Jakob Schwiedrzik et al.


High strain rate plasticity in microscale glass

Conference Dates

September 29-October 4, 2019


Understanding the materials behavior at high strain rates is critical for the design of structures subjected to accidental overloads such as crash testing of vehicles and impact resistance of surface coatings. From a scientific perspective, experimental determination of high strain rate properties at the micro- and nano-scale will allow the bridging of time scales between atomistic simulations and experiments, leading to a direct comparison between the two methods. Despite many efforts to expand the range of micro and nanomechanical testing in terms of forces, temperatures and loading conditions, the achievable strain rates are still around 10-5 s-1 to 10-2 s-1. This limited range of strain rates is primarily due to lack of testing platforms capable of simultaneous high-speed actuation and high-speed sensing of microscale displacements and millinewton loads. This presentation will report, a piezo-based experimental methodology for conducting high strain rate in situ micropillar compression testing at rates upto ~2000/s inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM), including a brief overview of the advantages and challenges of microscale high strain rate testing compared to traditional macroscale, Kolsky bar based, high strain rate testing.

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