"Micromechanical testing of Mo‐B‐C layers prepared by magnetron sputter" by Jiří Buršík, Ivo Kuběna et al.


Micromechanical testing of Mo‐B‐C layers prepared by magnetron sputtering

Conference Dates

October 1-6, 2017


Based on attractive mechanical properties of transition metal diborides the group of X2BC ternary compounds (X = Ti, V, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta and W) became subject of theoretical calculations [1-3] and lately proved their applicability experimentally [4]. X2BC with X = Mo, Ta and W are the most promising candidates for protection of cutting and forming tools due to their unusually stiffness and moderately ductility. These properties can be understood by considering the electronic structure and particularly the extreme anisotropy (orthorhombic crystal lattice with a=0.309nm, b=1.735nm, c=0.305nm).

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