How to Truly Optimize Phosphate Flotation, When Feed Grade is Ever-changing
Conference Dates
April 29-May 4, 2018
Optimizing a reagent package or beneficiation process on an average feed experienced at a float plant is one of the key objectives in successfully achieving an optimal, average grade/recovery for any mineral being processed. However, unlike the quality controlled processing chemistries, or engineered process, the mineralogy is minimally controlled by selective mining at best. The change in mineralogy can be a blessing or curse, and can even devastate a plant in matter of minutes. Therefore, applying techniques such as using the core samples from mine planning, or sophisticated analytical instrumentation can assist with planning when a detrimental change will occur. However, seasoned and informed floatation operators are necessary for ensuring the plant is prepared to handle these changes. This paper focuses on the results obtained from the application of a technical service program, which allowed for the investigation of various problematic feeds that plague a phosphate flotation plant. The purpose of this investigation was to investigate the cause, and develop a response plan for the flotation operators and engineers for when these difficult feeds reach the plant.
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Recommended Citation
Lucas R Moore, Yu (Ryan) Xiong, James Gu, and Guoxin Wang, "How to Truly Optimize Phosphate Flotation, When Feed Grade is Ever-changing" in "Beneficiation of Phosphates VIII", Dr. Patrick Zhang, Florida Industrial and Phosphate Research Institute, USA Professor Jan Miller, University of Utah, USA Professor Laurindo Leal Filho, Vale Institute of Technology (ITV), Brazil Marius Porteus, Foskor-Mining Division, South Africa Professor Neil Snyders, Stellenbosch University, South Africa Mr. Ewan Wingate, WorleyParsons Services Pty Ltd., Australia Prof. Guven Akdogan, Stellenbosch University, South Africa Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2018). https://dc.engconfintl.org/phosphates_viii/31