High impact polypropylene: Influence of copolymerization conditions on powder and polymer properties
Conference Dates
May 20-25, 2018
Isotactic Polypropylene (iPP) is more rigid than polyethylene (PE) but less tough, especially at lower temperatures. Incorporation of an elastomer of ethylene-propylene helps with this issue. Industrially this is typically done in two reaction steps. Initially iPP particles are polymerized, and afterwads a dispersed elastomeric phase is copolymerized in the still-reactive homopolymer matrix, always in the gas phase.
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Timothy McKenna and Aarón J. Cancelas, "High impact polypropylene: Influence of copolymerization conditions on powder and polymer properties" in "Polymer Reaction Engineering X (PRE 10) (2018)", John Tsavalas, University of New Hampshire, USA Fouad Teymour, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA Jeffrey Stubbs, HP Inc., USA Jose R. Leiza, University of the Basque Country, Spain Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2018). https://dc.engconfintl.org/prex/3