Chemical recycling of polyethylene by tandem catalytic conversion to propylene
Conference Dates
December 11-15, 2022
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Ivan Konstantinov, Nicholas M. Wang, Garrett Strong, Vanessa Dasilva, Lijun Gao, Rafael Huacuja, Mari Rosen, Alex Nett, Sean Ewart, Roland Geyer, Susannah L. Scott, and Damien Guironnet, "Chemical recycling of polyethylene by tandem catalytic conversion to propylene" in "Polymer Reaction Engineering XI (2022)", Timothy McKenna, Université de Lyon, France; Claudia Sayer, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil; Joe Schork, Georgia Tech, USA; John Tsavalas, University of New Hampshire, USA; Jay Reimers, Exxonmobil Chemicals, USA; Jose Ramon Leiza, University of the Basque Country, Spain; Robin Hutchinson, Queen’s University, Canada; Brian Greenhalgh, Exxonmobil Chemicals, USA; Markus Busch, TU Darmstadt, Germany Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2022). https://dc.engconfintl.org/prexi/43