"Biofuels from waste to road transport" by Marine Peyrot, Johnny Stuen et al.


Biofuels from waste to road transport

Conference Dates

June 16-21, 2019


Biofuels from Waste to Road (WASTE2ROAD) is an EU funded project under the Grant Agreement No. 818120 within the LC-SC3-RES-21-2018 call, “Development of next generation biofuels and alternative renewable fuel technologies for road transport”, as a Research and Innovation Action of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. The project started in the fall 2018 and will run for 4 years.

In 2014, total waste production in the EU amounted to 2.5 billion tons. From this total only a limited (albeit increasing) share (36%) was recycled, while the rest was landfilled or burned, of which some 600 million tons could have been recycled or reused. Conversion of all sustainably available biogenic wastes and residues to biofuels could provide 27% of total transport fuel by 2050, achieving around 2.1 gigatons of CO2 emission reductions per year. The increasing demand for biofuels[1] implies the need for the transformation of diverse bio-resources into liquid fuels, and includes transformation of the biogenic part of municipal and industrial

wastes into such biofuels. This clearly is a stepping stone to achieve the European goals[2] but it also poses challenges, such as 1) diversity and inhomogeneity of wastes throughout Europe (variable composition depending on the type of waste and geographical location), 2) the complexity of the conversion of wastes compared to fossil oils, 3) the technological aspects of co-refining and 4) high overall costs with moderate process performance.

[1] https://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/Biofuels_Roadmap_WEB.pdf

[2] https://europeanclimate.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/WASTED-final.pdf

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