Co-hydrotreatment of bio-oil and yellow greases using NiMo catalyst
Conference Dates
May 7-12, 2023
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Recommended Citation
Melba D. Denson, Mariefel V. Olarte, and Manuel Garcia-Perez, "Co-hydrotreatment of bio-oil and yellow greases using NiMo catalyst" in "PYROLIQ II – 2023: Pyrolysis and Liquefaction of Biomass and Wastes", Franco Berruti, ICFAR, Western University, Canada; Anthony Dufour, CNRS, ENSIC, France; Manuel Garcia-Perez, Washington State University, USA; Wolter Prins, University of Ghent, Belgium Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2022). https://dc.engconfintl.org/pyroliq_2023/30