July 15-20, 2018
Schloss Hernstein
Hernstein, Austria
Editors: | A.K. Vasudevan, ONR (retired) |
Ronald M. Latanision, Exponent, Inc. | |
N. J. Henry Holroyd, Luxfer |
The articles for these proceedings are not peer-reviewed.
Conference Program, A.K. Vasudevan, Henry Holroyd, and Ronald Latanision (Article)
Extraction of EAC crack growth rates and stress intensity factors from slow strain rate tests data for 5xxx and 7xxx series aluminum alloys, Henry Holroyd (Abstract)
Recommendations and rants regarding research on environmentally assisted cracking, Stanley Lynch (Abstract)
Unified approach to crack growth and fracture, Asuri Vasudevan, K. Sadananda, and M. Nanibabu (Abstract)
Do corrosion pits eliminate the benefit of shot-peening?, Alan Turnbull, Louise Crocker, and Shengqi Zhou (Abstract)
Initiation and growth of corrosion fatigue cracks from corrosion pits using elasto-plastic notch analysis, Asuri Vasudevan, K. Sadananda, and M. Amiri (Abstract)
When do small fatigue cracks propagate and when are they arrested?, Stefanie Tschegg (Abstract)
Short crack tolerance under EAC conditions, JTP Castro, RV Landin, IN Viçosa, GR Altoé, and RRC Saúde (Abstract and Presentation)
Atomistic modeling of sustained FCG under realistic conditions, Derek Warner (Abstract)
Intergranular corrosion and grain dissolution with peridynamics, Florin Bobaru, Siavash Jafarzadeh, and Ziguang Chen (Abstract)
Building environmental history for naval aircraft, William Nickerson, Mehdi Amiri, and Nagaraja Iyyer (Abstract)
Hydrogen effects on mechanical performance of nodular cast iron, Hannu Hanninen, Yuriy Yagodzinskyy, and Antti Forsström (Abstract)
Elucidating the mechanistic influence of strengthening precipitate morphology on hydrogen-assisted cracking in a Ni-Cr superalloy, James Burns and Zachary D. Harris (Abstract)
Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature shift controlled by grain boundary decohesion and thermally activated energy and hydrogen GB embrittlement, Jun Kameda and Martin L. .Jok (Abstract)
Effect of cyclic loading on hydrogen diffusion in low carbon steels, Diego Pesenti Bucella, Lorenzi S, Pastore T, and Cabrini M. (Abstract and Presentation)
Effect of mechanical loading on the galvanic corrosion behavior of Mg- steel joint, Kiran Solanki, I. Adlakha, B. Gholami, and N.C. Muthegowda (Abstract)
Role of microstructure and micromechanics in galvanic corrosion, Michael Sangid, Andrea Nicolas, and Alberto Mello (Abstract)
Effect of confined electrolyte volumes on galvanic corrosion kinetics in statically loaded materials, Steven Policastro, Carlos Hangarter, and Rachel . Anderson (Abstract)
Investigation of SCC of high strength aluminum alloys by means of slow strain rate test and cyclic anodic polarization in combination, Monica Trueba, Guido Russo, Stefano P. Trasatti, Sergio Lorenzi, Marina Cabrini, and Antonietta Loconte (Abstract and Presentation)
Initiation and final failure via environmentally assisted cracking in high strength aluminium, Tim Burnett, N J H Holroyd, M Seifi, B C Palmer, and J J Lewandowski (Abstract)
Multiscale correlative characterization of environmentally assisted crack initiation, propagation and failure in a high strength AA5083 H131 alloy, V. C. Gudla, Timothy L. Burnett, N J Henry Holroyd, John J Lewandowski, Benjamin C Palmer, and Philip J Withers (Abstract)
Internal stress affecting environmental fatigue of 7075-T651 alloy, A.K. Vasudevan, N. Chawla, and K. Sadadnanda (Abstract)
Understanding corrosion features and alloy microstructural effects on fatigue initiation of corroded AA7050-T7451 using data science, James Burns, Donald a Brown, and Noelle Easter Co (Abstract)
Transition from small to large cracks in Ti-6Al-4V specimens, Emanuele Vincenzo Arcieri, Sergio Baragetti, and Emanuele Borzini (Abstract and Presentation)
A continuum mechanics model for fatigue life prediction with pre- corrosion and sequential corrosion fatigue, Nagaraja Iyyer (Abstract)
4D microstructural and electrochemical characterization of dissimilar metal corrosion in naval structural Joints, Sridhar Niverty, T. Stannard, J. Graber, J.J. Williams, N. Chawla, X. Xiao, and F. De Carlo (Abstract)
Electrochemical and environmental assisted behavior of AA0224-T3 and AA7075-T6 welded by means of FSW, Marina Cabrini, S. Lorenzi, T. Pastore, S. Bocchi, C. Giardini, and G. D’Urso (Abstract)
Examination of Factors Influencing FCG in legacy aluminum alloys, Sarah E. Galyon Dorman, Scott A Fawaz, and Justin W Rausch (Abstract and Presentation)
The influence of dynamic atmospheric conditions on EAC and corrosion fatigue, Fritz Friedersdorf (Abstract)