Conference Dates
June 7-10, 2009
This paper describes the activities of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA) Working Group 12 on Sprayed Concrete Use. The Working Group has carried out tasks with the purpose of promoting information exchange between National Groups and planning, coordinating and releasing the results of testing programs in order to advance the state-of-the-art of sprayed concrete use for underground support. The intention of the Working Group is to explore and develop the idea that the rational use of sprayed concrete improves possibilities for design and construction of new underground works.
Recommended Citation
Tarcisio B. Celestino and Atsumu Ishida, "ACTIVITIES OF THE ITA WORKING GROUP ON SPRAYED CONCRETE USE" in "Shotcrete for Underground Support XI", Felix Amberg, M.o.S. ETHZ, SIA, Switzerland; Knut F Garshol, BASF Construction Chemicals, LLF, USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2009).