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5th International Congress on Green Process Engineering (GPE 2016)
Advanced Ceramic Matrix Composites: Science and Technology of Materials, Design, Applications, Performance and Integration
Advanced Materials for Construction of Bridges, Buildings, and Other Structures III
Advanced Membrane Technology VII
Advances in Cosmetic Formulation Design
Advances In Cosmetic Formulation Design II
Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery
Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery XV
Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery XVI
Advancing Manufacture of Cell and Gene Therapies VI
Advancing Manufacture of Cell and Gene Therapies VII
Advancing Manufacture of Cell and Gene Therapies VIII
Advancing Manufacture of Cell and Gene Therapies VII Webinar
Alkali Activated Materials and Geopolymers: Sustainable Construction Materials and Ceramics Made Under Ambient Conditions
Association in Solution IV
Beneficiation Of Phosphates IX
Beneficiation of Phosphates VII
Beneficiation of Phosphates VIII
Beyond Nickel-Based Superalloys II
Bio-Char III: Production, Characterization and Applications
Bio-Char II: Production, Characterization and Applications
Biochar: Production, Characterization and Applications
Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XX
Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XXI
Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XXIII: Accelerating Biotech Solutions to aid a Changing World
Biochemical And Molecular Engineering XXII: The Dawn of a New Era
Bioenergy - I: From Concept to Commercial Processes
Bioenergy - II: Fuels and Chemicals from Renewable Resources
BioEnergy IV: Innovations in Biomass Conversion for Heat, Power, Fuels and Chemicals
Biofabrication for Hierarchical in Vitro Tissue Models
Biological and Pharmaceutical Complex Fluids III: Protein Self-Assembly, Rheology and Interfacial Properties
Biorefinery I: Chemicals and Materials From Thermo-Chemical Biomass Conversion and Related Processes
Cell Culture Engineering Webinars
Cell Culture Engineering XV
Cell Culture Engineering XVI
Cell Culture Engineering XVIII
Ceramic Matrix Composites II: Science and Technology of Materials, Design, Applications, Performance and Integration
CHEMREC I – 2024: 1st International Conference on Thermochemical Recycling of Plastics
CO2 Summit III: Pathways to Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Deployment
CO2 Summit II: Technologies and Opportunities
CO2 Summit: Technology and Opportunity
Colloidal, Macromolecular and Biological Gels II
Colloidal, Macromolecular & Biological Gels: Formulation, Properties & Applications
Composites at Lake Louise 2017
Composites at Lake Louise 2019
Composites at Lake Louise (CALL 2015)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Medicine And Biology in Conjunction With the Seventh International Biofluid Mechanics Symposium
Cosmetic and Consumer Product Formulation Design: Automation, AI and Machine Learning Webinar
Delivery Of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics II: Biology, Engineering And Development
Design and Manufacture of Functional Microcapsules and Engineered Products
Electric Field Assisted Sintering and Related Phenomena Far From Equilibrium
Electric Field Enhanced Processing of Advanced Materials II: Complexities and Opportunities
Electric Field Enhanced Processing of Advanced Materials III: Complexities and Opportunities
Electrophoretic Deposition VI: Fundamentals and Applications
Electrophoretic Deposition VII: Fundamentals and Applications
Electrophoretic Deposition Webinar
Energy Harvesting from Infrastructure and Ocean Systems (EHIOS)
Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: Science, Engineering and Technology
Enhancement of the Global Perspective for Engineering Students by Providing an International Experience
Enzyme Engineering XXIV
Enzyme Engineering XXV
Enzyme Engineering XXVI
Enzyme Engineering XXVII
e-Technologies in Engineering Education: Learning Outcomes Providing Future Possibilities
Fifty Years Of Watershed Modeling - Past, Present And Future
Fluidization XV
Functional Glasses: Properties And Applications for Energy and Information
Harnessing The Materials Genome: Accelerated Materials Development via Computational and Experimental Tools
Innovative Materials For Additive Manufacturing (IMAM)
Innovative Materials & Methods for Additive Manufacturing II (IM²AM)
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing II
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing III
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing IV
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing V
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing VI
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing Webinar
International Conference on Alkali Activated Materials and Geopolymers: Versatile Materials Offering High Performance and Low Emissions
International Hydrogen Conference: Understanding Hydrogen-Materials Interactions
International Workshop on the Environmental Damage in Structural Materials Under Static Load/Cyclic Loads at Ambient Temperatures
Life Cycle Assessment and Other Assessment Tools for Waste Management and Resource Optimization
Light Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy
Massive Energy Storage for the Broader Use of Renewable Energy Sources
Metabolic Engineering IX
Microbial-Based Tools To Combat COVID-19 Webinar
Microbial Engineering
Microbial Engineering II
Micro-Nano Plastics in Water: Characterization, Cure and Prevention
Mixed Conducting and Nonstoichiometric Compounds VII
Modeling, Simulation, And Optimization for the 21st Century Electric Power Grid
Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development IX
Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development V
Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VI
Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VII
Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VIII
Nanotechnology in Medicine: From Molecules to Humans
Nanotechnology in Medicine II: Bridging Translational in vitro and in vivo Interfaces
Nanotechnology In Medicine III: Enabling Next Generation Therapies
Nanotechnology in Medicine IV: Physical Triggers and Advanced Materials
Nature-Inspired Engineering
Nonstoichiometric Compounds VI
Nonstoichiometric Compounds VII
Pharmaceutical Engineering: At The Frontier Of Drug Substance And Drug Product
Polymer Reaction Engineering IX (2015)
Polymer Reaction Engineering XI (2022)
Polymer Reaction Engineering X (PRE 10) (2018)
Pyroliq 2019: Pyrolysis and Liquefaction of Biomass and Wastes
PYROLIQ II – 2023: Pyrolysis and Liquefaction of Biomass and Wastes
Rare Earth Minerals/Metals – Sustainable Technologies For The Future
Regulatory Sciences for Biologics and Vaccines: Accelerating Development and Enabling Manufacturing Innovation
Scale-up and Manufacturing of Cell-based Therapies V
Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors (ULSIC VS TFT 8)
Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors VII (ULSIC VS TFT 7)
Semiconductor Technology for Ultra-Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors VI (ULSIC vs TFT 6)
Separations Technology IX: New Frontiers in Media, Techniques, and Technologies
Shotcrete for Underground Support XI
Shotcrete for Underground Support XII
Shotcrete for Underground Support XIII: New Developments in Rock Engineering, Tunneling, Underground Space and Deep Excavation
Shotcrete for Underground Support XIV
Single-Use Technologies: Bridging Polymer Science to Biotechnology Applications
Single-use Technologies II: Bridging Polymer Science to Biotechnology Applications
Single-Use Technologies III: Scientific and Technological Advancements
Single Use Technologies IV Webinars
Single-Use Technologies V: Building The Future
Single Use Technologies VI: Established, Emergent, Agile, Sustainable?
Sixth International Conference on Porous Media and Its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry
Sixth International Workshop on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking
Stress-Assisted Corrosion Damage V
Syntactic and Composite Foams V
Syntactic and Composite Foams VI
Teaching Entrepreneurship to Engineering Students
Thermal and Environmental Barrier Coatings VI
Thermal Barrier Coatings IV
Thermal Barrier Coatings V
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics: Materials For Extreme Environmental Applications II
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics: Materials for Extreme Environment Applications III
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics: Materials for Extreme Environment Applications IV
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics: Materials For Extreme Environment Applications V
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics: Materials for Extreme Environment Applications VI
Vaccine Technology II
Vaccine Technology III
Vaccine Technology IV
Vaccine Technology IX
Vaccine Technology VI
Vaccine Technology VII
Vaccine Technology VIII
WasteLCA_3: Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment For Waste Management And Resource Optimization
Wastewater and Biosolids Treatment and Reuse: Bridging Modeling and Experimental Studies
Refereed Proceedings
10th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidization Technology - CFB-10
5th International Conference on Porous Media and Their Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry
Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning - Challenges and Opportunities
Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning: Fundamentals and Applications
Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning VII
Separations Technology VI: New Perspectives on Very Large-Scale Operations
The 12th International Conference on Fluidization - New Horizons in Fluidization Engineering
The 13th International Conference on Fluidization - New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering
The 14th International Conference on Fluidization – From Fundamentals to Products