Thermophysical properties of a Ni alloy
Conference Dates
July 17-21, 2016
Thermophysical properties are important input data for the design of construction parts. By employing these data for modeling one can calculate the temperature as well as the thermomechanical stress distribution inside a part. Important variables for modelling are thermal conductivity/diffusivity, thermal expansion and specific heat.
The thermal conductivity (l(T)) of a material can be calculated by the equation:
l(T) = a(T) * cp(T) * r(T) [1]
With :
a(T) thermal diffusivity, cp(T) specific heat and r(T) density
In this contribution the methods LFA (Laser Flash Analysis), dilatometry and DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) will be explained. The thermophysical measurement results received from a Ni alloy (Hastelloy) will be shown and interpreted. Due to its chemical resistance and especially high temperature stability this material is used for aircraft and gas turbine parts.
Recommended Citation
Doreen Rapp, Ekkehard Post, and Peter Davies, "Thermophysical properties of a Ni alloy" in "Beyond Nickel-Based Superalloys II", Chair: Dr Howard J. Stone, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Co-Chairs: Prof Bernard P. Bewlay, General Electric Global Research, USA Prof Lesley A. Cornish, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2016). https://dc.engconfintl.org/superalloys_ii/60