Conference Dates
March 20 – 23, 2022
The healthcare industry is a focus segment for SABIC as a materials supplier. Growing our presence requires a thorough understanding of our customers’ challenges and requirements. In addition to ensuring high quality products and complying with applicable regulations, there is an increasing demand around sustainability. SABIC has developed high quality certified renewable and recycled materials, which respond to the industry’s need for consistency and predictability while assisting in reduced carbon emissions. In this presentation, we will discuss the approach to generate such polyolefins and engineering resins and the implications for the user.
Recommended Citation
Hans de Brouwer, "Sustainable resins for single-use technologies" in "Single-Use Technologies V: Building The Future", Magali Barbaroux, Sartorius, France; Martina Micheletti, University College London, UK Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2022).