Light Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy | Proceedings | Engineering Conferences International

August 22-27, 2004 - Ohana Keauhou Beach Resort, Kona Coast, Island of Hawaii

Editors:   Juanita Anders, Uniformed Services University (USA)
  Tiina Karu, Russian Academy of Science (Russia)
  Ron Waynant, FDA (USA)

The articles for these proceedings are not peer-reviewed.

List of Attendees (PDF)

Download Dr. Joan Martin's meeting notes. (.doc)

We appreciate Joan's diligent note-taking which she has kindly shared with everyone. Taking notes can add much to PowerPoint presentations. If there are other important points or corrections that need to be added, please send them to Ron Waynant



Mitochondrial Metabolism and the Responses to Cellular Injury, Robert K. Naviaux (Article)


Biophotonic Properties of Cells and Mitochondria, Paul L. Gourley (Article)


Photodynamic Modulation of Wound Healing and Inhibition of Tissue Degradation, Michael R Hamblin, Tatiana Demidova, Faten Gad, Touqir Zahra, and Tayyaba Hasan (Article)


Use of Photoactivated Crosslinking Agents for Vascular Repair and Local Drug Delivery, Kaia L. Kloster (Article)


Photodynamic Tissue Repair and Healing, Michael R Hamblin, Florencia Anatelli, John J. Khadem, Reza Dana, and Tayyaba Hasan (Article)


Novel Fiber Optic Biosensors, J. Mecham, R. Claus, B. Davis, R. W. Waynant , I. K. Ilev, F. J. Arregui , and I. R. Matias (Article)


Metronomic Photodynamic Therapy: Principle to Practice, Stuart K. Bisland (Article)


The Significance of Pulsing in the Stimulation of Tissue Repair & Regeneration by Light, Mary Dyson (Article)


Effect of Low Energy Laser Irradiation on the Ischemic Heart, Uri Oron (Article)


Neuronal Response to Injury, Rosemary C. Borke and Juanita J. Anders (Article)


Strategies for Improving Peripheral Nerve Regeneration After Severe Lesions: The Potential Role of Low-level Laser Therapy, Stefano Geuna (Article)


810 nm Light Therapy Improves Axonal Regeneration and Functional Recovery Following Acute Spinal Cord Injury , K. R. Byrnes, X. Wu, R. W. Waynant, I. K. Ilev, K. Smith, L. Barna, and J. J. Anders (Article)


LELI for Acute Stroke, Jackson Streeter (Article)


Effect of Low Power 655 and 830 nm Diode Laser Irradiation on the Neuromuscular Junctions of Mouse Diaphragm, Renata A. Nicolau, Manel Santafé, Josepa Rigau, and Josep M. Tomàs (Article)


Laser – a Therapeutic Intervention for Controlling Lymphoedema, Lynette E. Barnet (Article)


Treating Lymphoedema With Low Level Laser Therapy, Sandy Anderson, Neil Piller, Colin Carati, Bren Gannon, and Ann Angel (Article)


Effect OF 655 nm Diode Laser on Dog Sperm Motility , M. I. Corral-Baqués, T. Rigau, M. Ribera, J. E. Rodríguez, and J. Rigau (Article)


New Steps Towards an Understanding of the Mechanisms Behind Photobiomodulation, Lars Hode (Article)


Low Level Laser Reduces the Severity of Radiotherapy Induced Oral Mucositis and Xerostomia, Carlos de Oliveira Lopes, Josepa Rigau, Ana Ortega Lopez, and Renato A. Zangaro (Article)


The Impossible Dose - How Can Something Simple Be So Complex? , Lars Hode (Article)


The Use of Broadband Incoherent Infrared Radiation (SSIR System) for the Treatment of Non-Infectious Disorders, Floyd T. Neth (Article)