Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics: Materials For Extreme Environment Applications V | Proceedings | Engineering Conferences International

June 5 – 8, 2022
Snowbird, UT, USA

Chairs:   Daniel Butts, MACH-20, LLC, USA
  Carmen Carney, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
  Carolina Tallon, Virginia Tech, USA
  Gregory Thompson, University of Alabama, USA
  Chris Weinberger, Colorado State University, USA

The articles for these proceedings are not peer-reviewed.



Conference Program, Daniel Butts, Carmen Carney, Carolina Tallon, Gregory Thompson, and Chris Weinberger (Article)

Parker Solar Probe, Elizabeth Congdon (Abstract)

Investigation of the oxidation resistance of ZrB2-based monoliths using polymer-derived Si(Zr,B)CN as sintering aid, Nils-Christian Petry, Anke Silvia Ulrich, Bo Feng, Emanuel Ionescu, Mathias Christian Galetz, and Maren Lepple (Abstract)

The zeta phase in the transition metal carbides and nitrides: Structure, microstructure and properties, Christopher R. Weinberger, Hang Yu, Xiao-Xiang Yu, and Gregory Thompson (Abstract)

Textured UHTC borides using extremely low magnetic fields: influence of colloidal processing parameters and material selection, Juan Diego Shiraishi and Carolina Tallon (Abstract)


Plasticity of ZrB2 grains during micropillar compression: The effect of anisotropy, temperature and dislocations, Tamás Csanádi, Jenő Gubicza, Michael J. Reece, William G. Fahrenholtz, and Ján Dusza (Abstract and Presentation)

Highly Stable Nanolamellar MXene-derived Carbides by Phase Transformation of Ti3C2Tx and Mo2TiC2Tx MXenes, Babak Anasori, Brian C. Wyatt, S. Kartik Nemani, and Wyatt Highland (Abstract)

Oxidation of high entropy ultra-high temperature ceramics, Elizabeth Opila, Joshua Gild, Kenneth Vecchio, Jian Luo, Tyler Harrington, and Elizabeth Opila (Abstract)

Tungsten diboride for high energy nuclear applications, James Davidson, Samuel Humphry-Baker, and Katharina Marquardt (Abstract)


Carbon influence on the fracture toughness of transition metal carbides, Xingyuan Zhao, Maanas Togaru, Gregory Thompson, Christopher Weinberger, and Leslie Lamberson (Abstract and Presentation)

Experimental techniques to study structure and thermodynamics at ultra- high temperatures, Sergey V. Ushakov, Alexandra Navrotsky, Xiao Xiao, and Juergen Brillo (Abstract)

In-situ high temperature spatially resolved X-ray diffraction of TiB2 up to ~3250 ˚C, Scott McCormack, Fox Thorpe, Elizabeth Sobalvarro Converse, Joshua Kuntz, Wyatt Du Frane, and Gabriella King (Abstract)

Design of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics for Oxidation Resistance, Niquana Smith, Mackenzie Ridley, Elizabeth J. Opila, and Bi-Cheng Zhou (Abstract)

Short-range chemical environment versus long-range chemical homogeneity analyses in high-entropy transition metal AlB2-type diboride solid solutions, Frederic Monteverde, Federico Saraga, Mattia Gaboardi, Lun Feng, Gregory Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz (Abstract)

First-principles prediction of thermal conductivity of zirconium carbide and hafnium carbide at ultra-high temperatures, Tianli Feng and Janak Tiwari (Abstract)

From the atomic scale to the bulk: Ultra high temperature evaluation of metal diborides MB2 (M = Ta, Ti, Hf, Zr, Nb), Elizabeth Sobalvarro Converse, Fox Thorpe, Jesus Rivera, James Cahill, Gabriella King, Scott J. McCormack, Wyatt Du Frane, and Josh Kuntz (Abstract)

Modeling environmental effects in MeB2/SiC UHTCs: Oxidation by oxygen and water vapor, Pavel Mogilevsky, Samuel Frueh, and Michael Cinibulk (Abstract)

Stress distribution analysis in zirconium diboride and silica carbide (ZrB2- SiC) based thermal protection system under hypersonic flight conditions using a machine learning driven approach, Carmine Zuccarini, K Ramachandran, DD Jayaseelan, and Y.C.J. Mudiyanselage (Abstract)

Advances and challenges in the development of UHTCMCs - A review of the C3harme project, Diletta Sciti and L. Zoli (Abstract)

The AM3aC2A Project: Multiscale approach for modeling CMC and UHTCMC materials for reusable components for aerospace, Mario De Stefano Fumo, Alessandro Airoldi, Lorenzo Cavalli, Diletta Sciti, and Elena Vellutini (Abstract)

Influence of Nb coating on the oxidation behavior of ZrB2, Jan Erik Förster, Ravisankar Naraparaju, William G. Fahrenholtz, and Gregory E. Hilmas (Abstract)

Novel polymer-derived carbide and boride refractory ceramics, Brad Pindzola, Brad Pindzola, and Paul Chirik (Abstract)

Laser additive manufacturing of ultra high temperature ceramics, Steven Storck, Joseph Sopcisak, Hyun Jun Kim, Derek King, Carmen Carney, Collin McClain, and Morgan Trexler (Abstract)


Thermal ablation behaviour of ultra-high temperature ceramic matrix composites made by RF enhanced chemical vapour infiltration, Jon Binner and Vinothini Venkatachalam (Abstract and Presentation)

Thermodynamic and experimental SiC-ZrC CVD process development, Benjamin Lam, Jake McMurray, Ercan Cakmak, Michael Lance, and David Mitchell (Abstract)

Oxidation behavior of Cf / MC – SiC (with M = Hf, Zr) composites in an oxyacetylene torch environment under over oxygen concentration, Thomas Bourdeau, Laurence Maillé, Yann Le Petitcorps, Pierre Bertrand, Alexandre Allemand, and Francis Rebillat (Abstract)


Zirconium Carbide Oxidation and Passivation for Nuclear Fuel Applications, Allison Rzepka, Matthew Konnik, Francesco Panerai, Collin Foster, Kelly A. Stephani, and Daniel H. Hecht (Abstract and Presentation)


UHTC coatings obtained by plasma spraying: Characterization and oxidation behavior, Arthur Charrue, Marianne Balat-Pichelin, Aurélie Quet, and Charlotte Gregis (Abstract and Presentation)

Additive manufacturing of chopped fiber ultra-high ceramic composites, Lisa Rueschhoff, Benjamin Lam, Elizabeth Malek, William Costakis, Connor Wyckoff, and James . William Kemp (Abstract)

Low-toxity gelcasting to 3D shaping of UHTCs, Carolina Tallon and Julia N. Goyer (Abstract)

Direct ink writing of ultra-high temperature ceramics, Swetha Chandrasekaran, Amy Wat, Wyatt Du Frane, James T. Cahill, Joshua Kuntz, Marcus A. Worsley, and Qi Rong Yang (Abstract)

Additive manufacturing enabling W-SiC and W-ZrB2-SiC heterogeneous materials, David Mitchell, Trevor Aguirre, Corson Cramer, Austin Schumacher, Michael Kirka, Christopher Ledford, and Vlastamil Kunc (Abstract)

Ultra-high temperature ceramics for transpiration cooling applications in hypersonic vehicles, Matthew McGilvray; Tobias Hermann; Hassan Saad Ifti,; Kharthik Chakravarthy; Marc Ewenz Rocher; Benjamin Williams; Luc Vandeperre; Rowan Hedgecock; Fabian Hufgard; and Stefan Lӧhle (Abstract)

Porous UHTCs for transpiration cooling of hypersonic flight, Rowan Hedgecock and Luc Vandeperre (Abstract)


Ultra-high temperature ceramics with exceptional strength at elevated temperature, Laura Silvestroni, Nicola Gilli, Diletta Sciti, Jeremy Watts, and William Fahrenholtz (Abstract and Presentation)


Characterization of ultra-high temperature materials produced by rapid- laser chemical vapor deposition (R-LCVD), Jeff Vervlied, Joseph Pegna, Kirk Williams, Mark Schaefer, Zachary Tobin, Jeff Vervlied, and Hill Boulevard (Abstract and Presentation)

Integrated self-healing thermal protection for high-speed vehicles, Steven Storck, Dajie Zhang, Daniel Eby, Matthew Shanaman, and Steven Storck (Abstract)

Diagnostics for improved understanding of test environment and material interactions to advance oxidation-degradation models of UHTCs, Michael K. Cinibulk, Samuel Frueh, and Pavel Mogilevsky (Abstract)

Plasma wind tunnel testing of UHTC coated components for hypersonic applications, Mario De Stefano Fumo, Roberto Gardi, Stefania Cantoni, Mario Tului, Marco Fortunato, Francesca Arcobello Varlese, and tefano Lionetti (Abstract)

Characterization & testing in extreme, applicable environments, Bhavesh V. Patel (Abstract)

Synthesis, densification, and properties of high entropy ultra-high temperature ceramics, William Fahrenholtz, Lun Feng, and Greg Hilmas (Abstract)

Synthesis and crystallography of high entropy metal carbides: A new class of ultrahigh temperature and irradiation resistant ceramics, Olivia A. Graeve, Ved Vakharia, and Luyao Zhang (Abstract)

Processing of high entropy carbide based ceramics, Lavina Backman, Heonjune Ryou, James Wollmershauser, Syed Qadri, Edward P. Gorzkowski, and Jesse Maxwell (Abstract)

Towards complex component manufacture via 3D printing and joining of parts, Iuliia S Elizarova and Luc J Vandeperre (Abstract)

High Entropy Rare Earth A2b2o7 Type Zirconates, Daniel R. Lowry, Sean Bishop, Stephen Meserole, Mark Rodriguez, Eric Coker, and Khalid Hattar (Abstract)

Protective complex oxide film formation in multi-component ultra-high temperature carbides during plasma jet exposure, Ambreen Nisar, Tamil Sakthivel, Cheng Zhang, Benjamin Beosl, Sudipta Seal, and Arvind Agarwal (Abstract)


Multiscale porous high-temperature heat exchanger using ceramic co-extrusion, Xiangyu Li, Chad Wilson, Olivia Brandt, Rodrigo Orta-Guerra, Jeffrey Youngblood, Rodney Trice, and Evelyn N. Wang (Abstract and Presentation)

Strategies for printing fibers and post-processing for ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), Corson Cramer, David Mitchell, Vlastimil Kunc, and James Klett (Abstract)

Mechanical andthermal properties of Zeta phase tantalum carbide atelevated temperatures, Evan Schwind, Greg E. Hilmas, and William G. Fahrenholtz (Abstract)

Design of ultra-high temperature ceramics for oxidation resistance, Niquana Smith, Mackenzie Ridley, Elizabeth J. Opila, and Bi-Cheng Zhou (Abstract)

Environmental conical nozzle levitator equipped with dual lasers, Fox Thorpe, Elizabeth Sobalvarro Converse, Gabriella King, James Cahill, Joshua Kuntz, Wyatt Du Frane, and Scott J. McCormack (Abstract)

Investigation of anomalous hardness in sub-stoichiometric transition metal carbides using ab-initio simulations, Brennan Watkins and Christopher R. Weinberger (Abstract)

Oxidation behavior of Cf / MC – MB2 – SiC (with M = Hf, Zr) composites in an oxyacetylene torch environment, Thomas Bourdeau, Laurence Maillé, Yann Le Petitcorps, Pierre Bertrand, Alexandre Allemand, and Francis Rebillat (Abstract)

Finite difference simulation ofphasetransformation kinetics in transition metal carbide composites, John Carter Stotts, Michael Large, Chris Weinberger, and Gregory Thompson (Abstract)

Mixing the transition metals in transition metal carbides, Christopher Weinberger, Xiaochuan Tang, Kaka Ma, and Gregory Thompson (Abstract)

Oxidation kinetics of sub-stoichiometric ZrCX via furnace testing to 2500˚C / 1 atm air, Mark Opeka, James Hawbaker, and Bhavesh Patel (Abstract)

Oxidation of TaC-HfC blends densified by spark plasma sintering, Maritza Sanchez, Dr. Lisa Rueschhoff, and Dr. Olivia Graeve (Abstract)

Computational study of temperature in a millimeter wave heat exchanger with an AlN:Mo Susceptor on an isothermal metal plate, Vadim Yakovlev, Stephanie A. M artin, Brad W. Hoff, and Ian M. Rittersdorf (Abstract)

Cold spray deposition of metallic-UHTC composites, Michael Large, Isaac M. Nault, Kristopher D. Behler, Adolfo A. Blassino, Matthew K. Dunstan, Christopher R. Weinberger, and Gregory B. Thompson (Abstract)

Phase evolution in thermally annealed metallic-UHTC composites, Michael Large, Tyler Kaub, Christopher R. Weinberger, and Gregory B. Thompson (Abstract)

Materials processing and property-structure characterization capabilities at The University of Alabama, Gregory Thompson and Christopher R. Weinberger (Abstract)

Novel polymer-derived carbide and boride refractory ceramics, Brad Pindzola, Brad Pindzola, and Paul Chirik (Abstract)

The development of polymer-derived Si(Al)CN CMC for high temperature applications, Muhammed Younas (Abstract)

Diffusional and microstructural profiles in metallic-to-UHTC conversion by carbonization, Haas Blacksher, Christopher R. Weinberger, and Gregory B. Thompson (Abstract)

CuAAC for inorganic preceramic polymer synthesis, Matthew B. Dickerson (Abstract)