Proposition and validation of a damage and failure approach for 3D woven composite materials with ceramic matrix: From elementary coupons to composite structures
Conference Dates
November 13 – 18, 2022
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Recommended Citation
Frédéric Laurin, Kaminski Myriam, and Maire Jean-François, "Proposition and validation of a damage and failure approach for 3D woven composite materials with ceramic matrix: From elementary coupons to composite structures" in "Ceramic Matrix Composites II: Science and Technology of Materials, Design, Applications, Performance and Integration", Ram Darolia, GE Aviation, USA; Jon Binner, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom; Yutaka Kagawa, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan; Dietmar Koch, University of Augsburg, Germany; Rishi Raj, University of Colorado, USA; Gerard Vignoles, University of Bordeaux, France; Ken Goto, Japan Aerospace exploration agency (JAXA), Japan; Satoshi Kitaoka, Japan Fine Ceramics, (JFCC), Japan Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2022).