Conference Dates
May 16-21, 2010
A simple heat transfer model is utilized to determine the heat transfer coefficients for multiple tubes immersed in an industrial fluidized bed reactor supporting an exothermic reaction. From the temperatures at their outlets, superheating occurs in some blocks of tubes, but not in others. A four-zone heat transfer model is then used to evaluate the axial and lateral temperature differences due to the existence of a bottom un-cooled entrance zone and two cooled zones, corresponding to the regions where superheating does and does not occur.
Recommended Citation
Y. Kobayashi, Y. Mori; A. Goto; and H.T. Bi J.R. Grace, "HEAT TRANSFER TO IMMERSED COOLING TUBES AND PARTICLES IN A FLUIDIZED BED REACTOR" in "The 13th International Conference on Fluidization - New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering", Sang Done Kim,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; Yong Kang, Chungnam National University, Korea; Jea Keun Lee, Pukyong National University, Korea; Yong Chil Seo, Yonsei University, Korea Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2010).