"Extract coefficients of thermal expansion of TaN thin film by tuning t" by YAO-ZIH LAI, WEILEUN FANG et al.

Extract coefficients of thermal expansion of TaN thin film by tuning the N2 gas flow in the PVD process

Conference Dates

May 15-18, 2023


Coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch between different materials is an essential and critical concern in semiconductor development. During the manufacturing processes, the thermal budget will induce residual stress, occurring the deformation of the material. In the worst case, the thin film or the elements would be broken or failed. [1] However, these mechanical properties are difficult to determine and measure. In this study, we used the simple micro-cantilever beams array as the test key which was fabricated by the MEMS process. We deposited the TaN thin film on the different length cantilevers and then exploited the double layer method and Stoney equation to analyze its mechanical properties [2] [3]. Figure 1 shows the micrograph of the SiO2 cantilever beam deposited with TaN thin film and whose geometry size is also measured by the SEM system.

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